Konoha's Youthful Green Beast! Running Away From Cosplayers!

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Ow. My head. I feel like somebody hit my head with a brick. Now I know how it feels to have a hangover. Its not a good feeling.


What was that? I can't move, my body hurts. I tried to talk but nothing came out but a painful moan.


That time it was closer. Shit. I have to do something.


That one sounded like it was right next to me.

"Guy-sensei! Look!" A really loud vice said.

"Great job, my youthful child!" It reminded me of the other voice. They're probably related. But where have I heard that catch-frase from?

"Ehh. Akane, shh! I'm tired." Natsu moaned, sleepily. Probably thinking it was me talking.

"Look Guy-sesnie! I think they're waking up!" The smaller voice yelled.

"Akane! Shut up!" She yelled, her eys closed, flaring her arms around like a wild person. Me being the smart older sister had to do whats best. Pretend I was also sleeping.

"Natsu! I wasn't even talking!" I yelled back, pretending to be asleep.

"Akane?" She yawned, getting up into sitting position. I also decided to sit up.

"Nani?" I asked her. She looked up and I'm pretty sure she saw what I saw. We both looked at them, the Naruto cosplayers!

"Hello, my youthful children!!" The older man said. They looked so weird. I mean, look at his eyebrows! Their so bushy! Their like two giant caterpillars!  And the younger one looked exactly the same but a little bit shorter.

"Oh my God. HOW MUCH CRACK DID I HAVE LAST NIGHT!" Natsu said putting her hand on her head skeptically. I looked at her in question.

"When did you get my crack?" I whispered to her. 

"That's not important right now. Whats important is that I saved it!" She whispered to me.

"Natsu, you see the Naruto Cosplayers too, right?" I asked her.

"Woo. I thought it was just me." She sighed in relief.

"Uh. Youthful children?" He asked trying to get our attention.

"I got this! I'll protect you with my life!" I whispered seriously.

"Excuse me uh Mr.Cosplayer Man I- *Punch in the face!*

I punched the cos-player man then kicked his little Rock Lee Cosplayer so they were both knocked out. My punches are the best! I grabbed Natsu's hand and ran for it.

"Where are we going?!" She yelled while trying to catch up with my speed.

"I'm not exactly sure! But these woods are different from the ones back home!" I yelled.

"Wait!!" The Guy-sensei cos-player yelled with the Rock Lee cos-player came running behind him. They came running at incredible speed. Hn. I know what to do!

"Up the tree!" Natsu yelled while pointing at a very tall tree.

"No! Were gonna have to pass by a town and were their's a town theirs a police!" I yelled running faster. Don't underestimate us! We were in track back home! >:D

"Wait! My youth full children!! Why are you running!?" The cos-players yelled running even faster, trying to catch up with us. Time for a diversion! Heheh!

"Sexy Weed Llamas!!" Natsu and I yelled, pointing in a random direction. Of course, the two cosplayers turned around to see if it was true which was a good advantage for us. We ran even faster. When we looked back up front I crashed into someone else. I then punched him in the face which had him flying back into a tree.

Then we kept running away. I looked at Natsu. -_-' She had a nosebleed. My sister is a pervert.

"Look! Theres a town!" Natsu yelled pointing at these huge gates with two guys gaurding it?

"Okay! Some one is obviously playing a prank on us! Ashton Kutcher! We know your there! I got it! We just got punked!" I yelled with Natsu right next to me as we ran into the town.

"Hey! Come back here! You need a permit to be in this village!" One of the guards yelled. He looks like tha actual one in Naruto. What were their names? Izzy? Elmo? Itzy? Izumo! And his friend um. Kathrine? Kiyy? Cookie monster!? No. Koetsu!

"Akane! What do we do know! Their are so many cosplayers!" She yelled waving her arms around frantically. The villagers looked at us like we were crazy.

"What the hell are you staring at!?" I yelled at them giving them a glare and kept running. That sure made them go back and mind their own business.

"Youthful children!" We looked back and found all the cos-players we past coming after us! The Guy-sensei and Rock Lee came running not far behind with their arms open. The Kakashi-sensei was actually not there. But Izumo and Koetsu were also following us. We ran for it and went into this huge tower-sort of building thingy. Its to bad they followed us there too.

"Look! In there!" I yelled pulling Natsu into the room. As soon as we were in there they passed thinking we kept going in the same direction.

"Can I help you?" Said an old man wearing the Third Hokage co-splaying clothes. With a Anko and Ibiki Cos-players too! The Anko and Ibiki cos-players looked pissed, I guess we interrupted them.

"Sorry!" We opened the door and their were the cosplayers with evil smirks playing on their faces. Izumo and Koetsu huffing and puffing but an I-Got-You-Now look in their eyes while Natsu hid behind me. We stepped back hoping some one would save us.

"We got you know!" Koetsu yelled.

"What is going on here!?" The hokage yelled confused and a bit irritated.

"These girls came without a per-"

"I was trying to help-"

"I saw them running away from Guy-

"Enough! Not all at once! Who are you two."He asked calming down.

Shit. What do I say? "Look, Sexy Weed Llama!" She yelled pointing in a random direction.

"That won't work again!" Guy-sensie yelled pointing at us. To bad every body else looked then looked back at us.

"OMJ! Its Justin Bieber!" I said pointing, again in a random direction.

"Where!?" They all turned away. I grabbed Natsu, jumped onto the Hokage Cos-player's desk. Jumped over him and broke the window, going threw it. They all looked at us in disbelief, while I gave them a peace sign with a smirk playing on my lips.

"AWWW! AKANE! WERE GONNA DIE!!!" She yelled with an I-just-shit-myself- look.

"Its okay! Trust me!" I told he grabbing her, and holding her. As we landed safely. Only having a bunch of Konoha Jounin Cos-players waiting for us at thew bottom. OMJ! Team seven, Squad Eight and Squad ten Cos-players were watching while the Jounin cosplayers were ready to fight or at least bring us back to the phony hokage.

"Akane... Wahhh! Wahhhh! I'm scared!" She hid behind me ready to cry.

"Those two girls! The target! Bring them back to the hokage, alive!" They attacked. Their was way to many for me to defeat. They all charged at us. Oh no! They got Natsu!

"Akane!" She yelled crying.

"Natsu!" I yelled as they grabbed me too.

"Ahhh!" We screamed in union. As I opened my eyes the everybody seemed to back away, the same with Natsu. But her eyes were the Rinnegan! Were mine the Rinnegan too?

"Akane!!" Natsu yelled, crying and running to me. As I put her on my back like a piggy back ride, and ran somewhere safe.

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