If I was to ever challenge him, he would go after them.

"I see by the expression on your face, you understand," he chuckled.

I felt a lump forming in my throat.

He then started to look around the room before making his way to the couch and taking a seat before propping his foot up on the table in front him. "Now that we've got that settled, let's get down to the real thing. Like I mentioned before, I want you to join me. Right now, I've got everything in place but still need a few more thing then everything is set," he laid back on the couch and placed his hands behind his head as if he was relaxing.

"Why do you need me?" my question came out like a whisper.

His head turned to me along with a smirk on his lips, "Because your different from everyone. You've got this half demon blood flowing through you all because of God and even before that, you had powers. Not to mention, you blood also taste a very ...unique. You also have another power given to you. You have so much power within you and not to mention gorgeous. You would make a banging Queen but I just need to tweak your personality a bit," he explained.

My eyebrow rose, "Tweak?"

He nodded, "I forgot to mention that you basely have no choice. Even if you try to fight against me, I will have you by my side one way or another. There's no 'buts' or 'ifs'. Remember that feeling you had when you killed those guys in Hawaii?" he asked.

My mind flashed back to the memory of the guys I had teleported out of Hawaii and killed them in a desert. I was a different person and all I wanted was to kill people and have things done my way. All I felt was hatred and being ruthless became my happiness. The worst mental breakdown I've ever had.

"Judging by that look, I will say you do. That is what I mean by tweak," he smirked.

I felt my breathing becoming heavier and faster. I didn't want to go bad to that. How was I going to get out of this? He was going to turn me into the monster I was and even go to the point of hurting me through hurting my family.

"Great, so while you think about that, I'll be gone for a while. Despite being gone, I will know if you tell someone so don't get any ideas. I'll be back later," he spoke in a stern tone. I watched as he just disappeared from the couch within a blink.

As soon as he was gone, I felt tears streaming down my face. All I could think about was how was this all going to end? My phone rang from my dresser and I walked over to see it was Henry. I wiped away my tears and took a few seconds to regain myself before answering.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Abigail's parents and brothers are in the morgue of the hospital. I'm sending you the address and the ID tag is being sent to you as well," he spoke.

"Thanks," I mumbled before hanging up.

My phone then received an email and I opened it to see an address and the hospital ID patch. Linking it to my printer, I printed the ID in the form of a card. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I walking into my closet before unlocking the weapons closet and walking towards the back of the room to the printer. After a few seconds, a freshly printed ID card came out. I picked it up and grabbed a clip from the drawer before attaching it to the card and shoving it in my pocket.

Turning on my heals, I walked out the closet, locked it, and slipped into a jacket and sneakers. I shoved my phone in my pocket before making my way downstairs. As I walked down the stairs, I saw some of the guys in the lobby.

"Hey, you're suppose to be in bed. Where are you going?" James asked from the minibar.

"To meet the girl's family," I stated not looking at him as I made it to the bottom of the stairs.

Crowned By The Devil - BOOK 3 ✔ (Unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant