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Today is the day. The day of the battle at the field where were to fight the Volturi. For their families. Their friends. Significant other of any kind.

As Bentleigh laid there in bed, waiting for Seth to walk in on this beautiful morning after a long patrol shift just to try and talk her out of going today and stay at Billy's with the parents, soon-to-be mom, and kids. She still hadn't said anything to anyone about her and her little newfound situation except for Emily. She was planning on not telling any of them until she was at least starting to show.

She continued to lay there, beginning to feel sick to her stomach. The sudden urge to throw up was an understatement. She jumped out of bed and rushed to her connected bathroom. When she finished emptying the acidic stomach bile from her system, she flushed the toilet and brushed her teeth quickly. Sitting on the floor, she reached up and locked the door leaning her head against it.

After about twenty minutes, a knock was placed on the door causing her to stand up and unlock the door, opening it just enough to see Seth. He smiled down at her and she returned it. "Morning gorgeous, how was your night?" He questioned leaning down pecking Bentleigh quickly.

"It was okay. How was yours?" She quizzed. He just nodded and kissed her head before walking a good distance from her and turning to face her.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but I still think that you should stay with Nova at Billy's today and let the rest of us handle this." He says just as the door to their bedroom swung open causing them to look over there.

There stood Alice and Jasper in their doorway.

"I need to see you for a second, please?" Alice said looking over at Bentleigh getting a confused expression.

The girl nodding her head at the two and smiled back at Seth apologetically, leaving their bedroom with Alice and Jasper. The three of them walked downstairs to the basement where Bentleigh shut the door so they could have some privacy to talk away from the one's with supernatural hearing.

"You need to tell him that you'll stay with Billy and the girls." Alice spoke quickly looking at Bentleigh with a stern expression.

"And if I did that, there would be one less wolf there to help you guys fight. Jake's my family, he's imprinted on Ness meaning she's his family in a way. Therefore, I am going to be on that field when the Volturi come. Nothing is going to stop me." The shifter girl argued giving the two vampires the same look.

"So it is true, then?" Alice challenged, Bentleigh giving her another questioning expression. "About you and what's going on." She let out pointing down to the girls abdomen.

"I hate that you see what's going to happen sometimes. Other times its totally cool," Bentleigh sighs.

An unpleasing thought crept its way into her mind. Something she hadn't really had the chance to think about yet. The news of her being pregnant not really having the chance itself to sink in.

"Something bad is going to happen to the baby, isn't there?" The girl huffed sitting down in a chair at the island. The light smile Alice wore slowly began to fade from her pale skin as she gave her a small nod of the head. "Like what?"

Tears pooled in her eyes. The thought of losing their baby before she could even had the chance to tell Seth about the good news. Before they could even take their first breath in the world. Before her tears could spill over, she blinked them away and sniffled. Making herself completely numb for the rest if their conversation.

"As you know I can only see bits and pieces, so I didn't see everything. But you'll go up against one of the guards and something happens. I don't know for sure, but I can help you tell the boys. They're going to our house for a talk with Carlisle before we go to the field." Alice lets out.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now