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She stood there in shock. She didn't know what to do. Should she make her leave? Have her stay?

Bentleigh looked to Seth then back to her mother, feeling a little bit of light headedness as she looked the woman. Bentleigh walked into the kitchen sitting at the island, putting her head in her head at an attempt to make her head stop spinning. She could hear the two of them follow her into the other room and a hand touch her back. Turning to look at them, she found Seth.

Bentleigh gave him a "help me" expression and he nodded. Just as he was going to say something, the doorbell rang. He gave her an apologetic look before leaving the room. The young woman let out a sigh as her mother dropped her bag walking over to her.

"Were you expecting someone, I can come back if you'd like?" She said making Bentleigh scoff.

"When? In a few months? A year or so? When mom, because that's all I have ever wanted you to do." Bentleigh started with a sigh. "Is to come back and stay. But you always left again."

She turned to face her mother."Why'd you come back this time? Sam told me and Embry you weren't going to come back this time. You know, when you HAD him tell us dad died. Our father died and you called our FRIEND tell us." Bentleigh emphasized the words making her mother roll her eyes.

"Where is Embry anyways? And who's the boy that let me in? Are you two here in the house alone?" She asked so many questions making her daughter let out a sarcastic chuckle.

"You cannot just waltz in here, into my house, after almost three goddamn years, just to start asking questions like you give a shit all of a sudden! Embry has own life now that he's not having to take care of me. He's with his girlfriend at her grandmothers." She snapped. "The boy who let you in, is my boyfriend Seth. And yes we are here by ourselves! We're adults, not kids. We're fucking twenty two!"

Just as things were getting ugly, Embry and Nova walk in through the back door. Nova under Embry's arm, sharing a light laugh, that is until Embry saw their mother and let out a groan. Bentleigh gave him and Nova a questioning look as to why they would be home. Seth called, was all he had to link to his sister before she understood. Thank the gods she had Seth to look out for her.

"What are you doing here?" Embry questioned his mother making her let out a scoff.

"I came to check up on you two. To see how you were doing after losing your father and that bitch, only to find out you no longer lived at the house. That you two sold it and got a bigger place with the money your father left you." Their mother seethed through clenched teeth.

"I turn twenty three in a month. And Embry was only living at the house because I was still there. Even then half the time I lived with Uncle Billy because Embry worked so damn much trying to keep the both of us fed." Bentleigh huffed trying not to cry in front of the woman she was forced to call mom. "You would leave. With no word telling us where you were going. No money to keep ourselves alive. Not being able to tell if you were coming back. Then when you would turn back up and take the money Embry and I had saved and leave again. Mother of the fucking year, right here folks. I bought this house, the deed is in my name along with Seth's. So if you don't mind, I'd like for you to get the hell off my property before I have to call the police."

Their mother looked at Embry and Nova focusing on the girl as a light bulb went off in her head as she pointed at Nova. "I know you, you were that little girl Bentleigh would hang out with, your the Billy Black's niece," She turned to Seth getting a better look at him. "And your Henry and Sue Clearwater's boy. How's your parents?" She questioned.

Bentleigh could see Seth swallow hard as he fought back his tears. Being his imprint the girl could feel everything he was feeling and right now all she felt was rage and pain.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now