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After they finished unloading the boxes from the truck and the contents of the boxes into the needed places in the house, everyone sat down in the basement that they made into a family room.

It's soundproof so Embry could blast his music down here when he works out. It has a huge lounge area on one end, a ping pong table off to the side of the room, and then at the other end of the room, it had a mini kitchen with a small island and a bar. They were all amazed by the house and the boys have already picked their rooms of the remaining and unclaimed spaces.

"You did a good job picking this place out. It's got one neighbor and that's for four miles. Nicely secluded from everything, perfect for you wolves." Kim said looking between all of them at the end.

"Have to agree with her. It's good for you guys." Rachel added causing the boys and Nova to nod.

"Funny thing, I didn't even pick it really. It was mostly Paul. But I liked it and agreed so it was a team effort." Bentleigh smiled making everyone laugh as Paul smiled brightly at his best friend.

"I did well though." He remarked.

"Not saying that you didn't. I just have to get Emily to leave her house to come see ours," Bentleigh says looking over at Nova and Embry. "That's going to be my mission after we move the rest of the things. I will get Sam and Emily here." She adds as her phone rang upstairs in the room where she left it.

Standing up she ran upstairs looking for her phone in the living room. She finally found the handheld device going off a linen closet she had been stocking earlier. Looking at the illuminated screen, she sees Emily's contact picture had popped. Clicking the 'answer' button she brought it up to her ear.

"Hey Em, I was just talking about you. All good things though, promise." Bentleigh greeted her.

She let out a short laugh before becoming a little more serious, "Are you by yourself or you and the girls by any chance? I have something I want to tell you four and it's easier to do it at once. And before you get all worked up it's something good." Emily finished.

"Uh, give me a second to go get them. I'll have to tell the boys not to listen anyways. But you know Leah isn't here?" She quizzed as she made her way back downstairs. Emiky only hummed a reply.

"Good idea. Sam wanted to tell them." Emily replied, almost sounding a little out of breath.

Once in the basement again, Bentleigh called the girls to follow her upstairs. Before leaving the room, she turned to the boys and told them not to listen even if they tried because Sam would be telling them soon. They all nodded but were completely confused.

The four girls walked up the stairs and into the closet bedroom. By all of the random things, Bentleigh had to guess that this was probably Jared's room. Putting the call on speaker she held the phone out further between the four of them as they had sat on Jared's bed.

"Alright Em, what'cha got for us?" Nova questioned the slightly older girl.

"Boy or Girl?" She questioned them.

Rachel and Kim's eyes widened as they squealed. Nova and Bentleigh shared a look of confusion.

It was like a light bulb of realization once the two figured it out. They cheered with Kim and Rachel as the four kept shouting different genders they wanted the baby to be. Then before they continued with their excitement, they all looked at each other.

"Do you know how far along you are?"

"Can you tell us if you've gone to the doctor yet?"

"What'd they say about the baby?"

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now