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We stood there watching as the older Cullen's threw one another back and forth as they fought. Ness sat next to Bentleigh as she laid on the ground watching as they showed the wolves how to fight the other vampires that would come at the first of spring. It was mid-summer, meaning they had a few months before the Volturi would be coming. Bentleigh noticed Ness was beginning to get tired as she leaned into her fur and laid on the shifters side. Soon enough, Bentleigh could hear her breathing even out as she had finally fallen asleep.

She looked over to where Paul and Jared were laying on the ground asleep at the edge of the group. Letting out a sigh, Bentleigh laid her head on her front paws as she continued to watch the Cullen's train. She felt something on her tail, lifting her head she saw her best friend standing there, her red fur almost the color of Jake's.

Hey, what's up?

Sam said we were going to do our own training back at his and Emily's. There were a few things he said they didn't tell us because Ness is here, so for her sake, they left those things out for her.

Well, if they didn't say it in front of her those thing's they left out are most likely are gore-ish. They want her to keep her innocence for as long as she can.

Nova nodded and walked away to go lay by Embry's side as Seth walked over to Bentleigh's and sat down. Laying beside her, he nudged her with his nose before turning his attention back to the training going on over by the house. As they watched them, Jasper threw Emmett into a tree breaking it into pieces sending shards of tree bark flying all different directions. A few sharp shards flew towards Seth, Ness, and Bentleigh. Somehow missing Seth and Bentleigh but going for Ness who was still curled into her side. Quickly, Bentleigh moved to shield her from the pieces making some pierce through her skin.

Wincing, Edward and Bella flashed over to check on Renesseme. After seeing if she was okay, Edward called Carlisle over after smelling the blood that had now soaked Bentleigh's fur. Carlisle came over to check her injuries as Seth came over now in human form. Carlisle told Alice to go grab something for Bentleigh to wear seeing as she would have to phase back to get stitches. Alice came back and thr female shifter stood to her feet after Edward picked Renesseme up and ran her inside to her room. Going behind some trees and ferns, Bentliegh phased and Alice walked where she was and handed the shifter the clothes along with a pair of shoes for Bentleigh to wear.

Changing into the clothes Alice brought her carefully, Bentleigh walked back to where Seth and Carlisle were standing. Carlisle walked into the house as Seth looked down at his girlfriend. Without saying anything, he picked her up bridal style and walked into the house going to Carlisle's study where he would stitch up the girls wounds. As Seth set her on the hospital type bed in Carlisle's study, Edward and Bella walked in as Carlisle began to remove the wood chips from Bentleigh's side.

"You got yourself hurt by keeping Ness safe, why would you do that for her?" Bella questioned as she leaned into Edwards side.

"Because believe it or not, unlike you, I like your kid. She's sweet and she's my Alpha's imprint. It's our rule to keep the other imprints safe from any type of harm. And I know we've never gotten along, but I would hope that if anything like that were to happen in the future you would do the same." Bentleigh said making her nod.

"I don't get it though," Bella said.

"Well, let's put it this way then, I'd do it for any kid. Not just your's." Bentleigh said as she winced feeling the needle pierce through her skin. "Hey doc," she says to Carlisle catching his attention. "Let's not do stitches and just let me put a bandage on it. It'll heal in the next day or so."

"Sure, Leigh." Carlisle smiled at her, doing as she asked.

"Thank you, Bentleigh," Edward said before pulling Bella out of the room.

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