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Making his way to the cliff he could smell Embry's scent along with Bentleigh's. Walking further up the hill, he added blood to list of smells he could make out before hearing an ear piercing scream. He phased into his wolf, running up the hill.

The sight made his skin curl and his stomach to churn.

Embry kept Bentleigh from escaping as he pawed at her legs cutting them. Seth had a pure hatred towards Embry as he ran into him hard enough to knock him away from Bentleigh. Embry flew hard into a tree nearby. Seth looked back at Bentleigh quickly, checking to see if she was okay.

Running to him, Seth nipped at his grey silver pelt. Embry growled trying to get from his grip to go back to Bentleigh. Biting down harder on his pelt, Seth kept him in his place. He looked over at his sister and whimpered knowing that he's screwed up. Knowing how much he hurt her.

What in the hell are you doing? You don't touch her! You could've killed her!

I can't control my anger...

Jared's going to kill you. He's at yours tonight. He and Kim got into it over how he's with Bentleigh all the time.

Take her home. I've got to finish patrol with Paul tonight. Keep your thoughts and hands to yourself. I know you've imprinted on her. Quil, Collin, and Brady are coming over later.

You've got to tell her Embry. And sooner than you planned. But we'll be there to help if you want.

I know, but I've just hurt my little sister. The only person that I care for besides the pack. She's gonna hate me, fear me. Us. She'll be scared of us.

Embry didn't give Seth a chance to respond, as he had phased back, putting on his spare shorts once more before picking Bentleigh up and laying her on Seth's back.

He took off for her house, halfway there he felt her shift, gripping at his fur before passing out again. When he got there and managed to place her on the ground carefully, he went behind a tree phasing back and putting on his shorts once again before picking up the unconscious girl and going inside.

Closing the door with his foot, Jared jumped to his feet from his seat on the couch seeing Bentleigh in Seth's arms. Jared's eyes filled with three different clearly noticable emotions: sorrow, guilt, and anger. Jared took her from Seth's arms, placing her on the couch and went to the bathroom down the hall. He came back holding a first-aid kit.

"Seth, go get her some water."

He got up going in the kitchen getting a water bottle from the fridge before returning to the living room. "You might want to hold her. This is going to hurt." Jared said grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol from the coffee table.

Seth placed the water on the coffee table and sat behind Bentleigh. Placing her in his lap, her head fell to the crook of his neck. Jared poured the alcohol on the wound above her knee causing her to bolt straight up with a pain filled scream.

A few minutes later, Jared finished and wrapped her wounds with medical gauze and tape. "It wasn't a dream?" She mumbled quietly as she buried her face deeper into Seth's neck.

"No bud, it wasn't a dream. Though I wish it was." Jared said softly. Seth felt her body shake as she cried, wrapping his arms her tighter trying to comfort her.

Soon the two wolves could heard her soft snores as she slept.

"Take her to her room." Jared began putting away the supplies. Seth stood up carefully retreating up the stairs with Bentleigh in his arms. Following her scent to a bedroom door, he opened it finding Embry sitting on her bed. He glanced up, looking back down quickly after.

"How bad is it?" He asks referring to her legs. Seth sigh, placing her on the bed.

"I think she's got the wolf gene because they're not as bad as they should be. One thing, I can tell you," Seth paused knowing he was stepping into warmer waters talking about Bentleigh with Embry. "is she's not gonna be mad like you think. She might be scared by the fact her brother and best friends can turn into wolves." Seth says not looking at Embry but trying to lighten the energy in the room.

He looked down at her sleeping figure with sorrow in his eyes. "How'd you know?" He asked already knowing Embry understood what he was asking him.

"I could hear your heartbeat pick up when you saw her before Leah dragged you over to her. And while you were talking you called her beautiful, stuttered, and blushed." He tells the younger man.

Everything he said was true. When Seth had first seen her he felt his heart try to leap from his chest at the fist sight of her. Time stopped and nothing else seemed to matter.

He stumbled over his words while he sat there with her as they were talking. He knew he had imprinted on his best friends little sister while they were talking. The one who he had been in the same class with since they were little kids in elementary school. The one he had been crushing on forever and a day. The one who he stuttered in front of every time they were partnered in a class.

But not once did he think he was going to imprint on Bentleigh Call.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now