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They were about an hour from being in California when Embry spoke up for the first time the entire drive. "Why are we in California? What or who's here?" He questioned.

Bentleigh looked at him through the rear mirror. He was looking out the window, taking in the scenery. She looked at Seth seeing he'd fallen asleep with his head up against the window. "My friend Nova lives here and she needs my help." She replied looking at the road getting off the highway.

"We're here on a rescue mission? Why'd you need me and Seth to go with you?" He asked leaning up in between the front seats. She glanced over at him before looking at the road once more.

"Don't know. I was only bringing Seth, then he said something about it might tell us why you had that sudden shortness of breath that you shouldn't be having." She gave him another quick glance in his direction before looking back at the road. She stopped at a light and look at Embry.

"Do you know why that happened to you?" Bentleigh asks leaning her head against the headrest. He shook his head making her sigh looking back at the road as the light turned green. "Wish we knew why." She thought out loud.

"Me too." Embry says sitting back in his seat. Driving through the streets, she finally got to Nova's house. Turning the car off, she unbuckled her seatbelt and went to open the door when a hand pulled her back into the driver's seat. Looking back at the hand, she sees its Seth. Giving him a confused smile he put a finger up to his lips signaling for her to be quiet.

"What's that?" Embry asks gripping her seat, pulling himself up.

While the boys were talking to one another, Bentleigh's vision became blurry and was replaced with a picture of Nova from inside the house. She put her hand on Seth's shoulder trying to keep herself grounded so she wouldn't be as wigged out.

She looked to be in a dark room and was crying. Looking around a bit more she sees that the room she's in is small, like a closet maybe or a type of panic room.

As she tried figuring out what was happening another picture popped up replacing the first image. It looked to be a hallway and she could see someone walking away from the door to her left. The person turned their head towards her and she made out the features to be Perry, Nova's boyfriend.

Something glistening in his hand as the sun light came into the hallway from another room. The object looked to be about seven inches long in the silver part but there was still another four for the handle that she could see in his hand. He has a knife in his hand and is walking around the house looking for her.

This won't end well if they don't do something about it now. Soon the pictures faded from her vision and she could see everything that was happening around her once again. Bentleigh looked over at Seth with wide eyes. The two men looked at her confused.

"I saw them. She's locked in a small room and he has a knife." Bentleigh exclaims. "We've gotta get her out of there now." She moves quickly as she climbs out of the car. She ran to the door only to be stopped by Embry.

"You can't run in there. Especially when you know he has a weapon. That he's capable of using the damn thing if he's after your friend with it." He gripped her wrist tight in his hand.

"I can't just let her get hurt though." She says trying to rip her wrist from his grip. He tightened his grip making her wince as it became almost unbearable to handle.

"Embry, let her go." Seth hissed standing next to him. Embry looked at her releasing her hand from his grip.

"Never again." She snapped at him. Walking into the house ignoring everything he was saying to her as she walked away from him. Hearing them follow her inside, keeping up with her pace. Bentleigh looked down at her wrist seeing a bruise forming where Embry had a hold of her.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now