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Seth and Bentleigh sat in their seats on the plane. Nova and Embry were six rows behind them. Paul, Jared, and Quil were at together about eight rows behind Embry and Nova. Before they had left, Embry and Bentleigh figured out that their father left them both a sum of money through the law firm that he worked at.

To say the least, they were afraid something happened and they got them mixed up with someone else's family.

"What are you thinking about?" Seth questioned looking down at Bentleigh.

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it, it's nothing."

He frowned, "Are you sure?"

She nodded making him let out a defeated sigh. Bentleigh looked up to him from her book she'd gotten from Lottie before they left. Frowning at him, she took a hold of his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as she smiled at him.

He returned the smile and leaned over, kissing the top of her head. Slipping her book into the back of the seat in front of her, she laid her head on Seth's shoulder after pulling her legs under her. After some time of sitting like this and talking with Seth about different things that they thought were going to happen once they got home, Bentleigh ended up falling asleep laying against Seth.

Bentleigh could feel the turbulence caused by the plane as it was landing, waking her in the process. Seth shook her unaware she was already awake. This confirmed that they were, in fact, landing in Port Angeles. She pulled her legs out from under her as she got her things from the seat in front of her.

When the plane landed, Seth and Bentleigh stood up and he grabbed their bags from the overhead compartment. Walking down the aisle to the doors of the plane, Seth glanced back at Bentleigh and held out his hand to her. Taking his hand in hers, they walked off the plane and through the terminal making it to the front of the airport out on the open floor, where they were met by Sam and Emily.

Emily was holding up a sign that had "The Uley's" written across it in big lime green letters that had a black outline. Bentleigh laughed as she let go of Seth's hand and took off running to the two waiting on them. She crashed into Emily, almost knocking the both of them to the floor as Bentleigh embraced her into a tight hug as she returned it just as tight if not tighter.

Bentleigh could hear Sam laugh at the two girls as Seth finally caught up to Bentleigh. She pulled away from Emily and hugged Sam just as tightly.

"How'd everything go?" Sam questioned her as they pulled away from one another.

"Good, if you count having to kill your step brother and then lie to your younger step brother and cousin." Bentleigh said sarcastically. "Other than that, it was a beautiful service for the both of them. Oh, and, Lottie's going to adopt Parker." She adds happily at the end.

"It's been a long day. The flight was delayed. She is just agitated and tired. She needs some sleep. You'll her back to normal tomorrow." Seth says making them nod.

"We know. She went to London last year with Paul and Jared for a school trip and they called at 2 in the morning here just to complain that she was being bitchy." Emily comments making Bentleigh let out a loud growl.

"You try being on a plane for whoever knows how long and then deal with two noisy boys. They were a pain in my ass on the flight, thought I would return the favor. Which I did and it got me my own room. I was happy after they left me alone to get some proper sleep. Which is what I need right now." Bentleigh exaggerated.

Sam took her bags along with Seth's and Seth picked Bentleigh up carrying her to Sam's truck. There he skillfully climbed into the bed of the truck with Bentleigh still in his arms. He sat down placing her in his lap and began to play with her hair, causing Bentleigh to get sleepy once more.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now