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The next morning Bentleigh woke wrapped in Seth's arms, her head on his chest with her body pressed against his and their legs tangled together. Seth snored lightly in her ear and she took this time to look over his features like the morning before.

As she was doing this, someone walked over to the couch her and Seth were laying on. They tapped on her causing her to look up at them. Bentleigh glanced up seeing Kim smiling down at her as she motioned Bentleigh to follow her.

Untangling herself from Seth, she stood seeing Jared hugging a pillow, Paul spooning Jared, Quil snoring loudly, and Embry with his legs hanging over Paul and Quil. She giggled at the sight of her best friends and older brother, taking a photo of the four before following Kim into the kitchen.

She smiled at Bentleigh and grabbed her hands in hers and pulling her to the island in the middle of the kitchen pulling Bentleigh into a chair. "So you like him?" She asks like they hadn't stopped talking.

Bentleigh nodded making Kim squeal like a girl. She chuckled as she watched her jump up and down clapping her hands lightly.

"More than you know." She smiled at her in awe. "This is different than the guys I was with when we were friends and the ones Embry and the boys helped me through."

"I'm sorry for all the trouble. You two wouldn't hurt me like how I hurt you. I feared losing him and there are ways for the bond to break. If you didn't introduce us, he never would've talked to me until later. You helped him. I had to stop talking to you and it killed me. Then they were talking to you. I got mad when Jared went out and didn't answer my calls only to find out he was with you and I was stuck at home waiting." Kim sighs and Bentleigh slowly wrapped her in a hug.

"You should've talked to us if you had such a big problem with it. He is one of my best friends, I want you to understand that we would never hurt you like that. You know I'd not live with myself if I hurt you like that. Jared couldn't live with himself if he hurt you that bad. It hurt me when you thought we'd do that. When you kissed Nathaniel in front of us and he kissed you back it killed both of us, more than you'd know. He blamed me for ruining our friendship and your relationship. He stopped talking to me. Nathaniel dumped me, you and Jared got back together. I didn't have my best friends. Embry was ignoring me along with Paul, meaning I didn't have anyone, no one to talk to, I thought it was because of something I did, its because of them phasing and I still didn't know about them being wolves until two weeks ago." Bentleigh tells her.

"You know now right, that's what matters. We should make breakfast before they get up." Kim says standing from her chair and walking to the pantry than the fridge grabbing things to make breakfast for everyone.

"What'd you get?" Bentleigh asks, going to her side as Kim sat everything down on the counter.

"Pancake mix, granola, honey, M&M's, berries, OJ, whip cream, chocolate chips, and lastly ice cream." She laughs pointing to everything.

"That's not something I've done in probably two years." Bentleigh admitted laughing along with her.

She had grabbed everything they used to make their famous 'Sweet Heartbreaks' pancakes. Bentleigh grabbed bowls for the berries, granola, chocolate pieces, and the candy then a bigger bowl for the pancake mix. Kim got two spoons, popping the top off of the ice cream carton before handing me one of the spoons as Bentleigh was mixing the pancake batter.

"You know we would've been doing this when you broke up with that douche bag." She said as Bentleigh sighed nodding her head.

"As true as that is, we're friends again right?" Bentleigh asked, putting a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. She nods as her own spoon hung from the side of her mouth. She removed her spoon from her mouth.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now