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Stopping Paul's truck outside the new house, they were here to drop off the last load of things for the night as it had already gotten dark. Turning the truck off, Bentleigh saw something step out of the forest line. Looking over at whatever it was, she saw a shadow of a large figure. Without thinking she pulled the key from the ignition and got out of the vehicle before going over to see what it was.

Getting closer, she heard something growl at her before it pounced. Due to the impact of the ground on her back, she clenched her eyes shut in pain. Opening her eyes after a few seconds, she took a deep breath and saw it was Quil. Pushing him off of her, Bentleigh heard someone run up behind them. She watched as Seth stood in front of her protectively as he blocked her from Quil.

"It's okay Seth, he was playing around. I wasn't ready to catch a big ass dog," she directed the last part to Quil as she looked at him. He just bowed his head in response. "I'm okay, alright. We're good." She says stepping in front of Seth, putting a hand on his chest.

He nods. "Only if you're sure."

Giving him a look it was her turn to nod, "Yeah, we're all good," Bentleigh turned to Quil once more. "Let me grab you some clothes so you can change " she responded.

She walked away from the two boys, going to the room that had a little bit of all of the boys' things until separated. Grabbing a pair of shorts and a tank top she walked back downstairs. As she was coming down the stairs she could hear Embry on the phone arguing with someone and slowed to a stop.

Come here, she mentally called out to Seth.

He hurried inside and found her at the stairs. He gave Bentleigh a confused expression as she handed him the clothes for Quil. She told him to take them out seeing as she could feel something wrong with Embry. Seth nodded and walked back outside.

Bentleigh pushed strands of her hair behind her ears as she followed the sound of her brothers voice. Stopping outside the doorway as she realized who he was talking to. Her heart dropped. She wanted nothing to do with her and she called Embry after he told her day's ago, before we went to dad's funeral, that we were selling the house.

Knowing that their mother didn't bother coming back to the mainland for their dad pissed Bentleigh off and she was at her wit's end. She couldn't care less when it came to things that she had to do to be an actual parent to Bentleigh and Embry. Before this got too out of hand, Bentleigh walked into the room, stopping in front of him.

She looked up at him and held out a hand wanting his phone so she could talk to their mother. Embry gave up, taking the phone away from his ear and handing it to his sister without mentioning anything to the woman on the phone.

Putting the phone up to her ear, she could hear her mother was still rambling about how Embry was old enough now to watch Bentleigh now. That his job was enough for the both of them because Bentleigh wouldn't do anything because she was a lazy child.

"You're one to talk. Mother of the goddamn year right here folks." She snapped, not talking to anyone in particular but her. "And I have been working since I was 13. You were gone. Embry wasn't even 17 yet. Whether you like it or not, the council, who knows about you leaving all the time, has given us the deed to the house since we have paid for the thing for years now. We're selling the house. If you want anything it'll be here. If not it'll goto the trash. It's on the market if you want the house." Bentleigh said in one breath hanging up before the older woman could get anything else in.

Handing Embry's phone back to him, she saw the wide smile that had made its way onto his face. She returned his smile making him shake his head at her. Swinging an arm over her shoulders, they walked back outside to the truck. Outside, they saw Jared, Paul, and their imprints showed up while they were on the phone with their mom.

The boys who watched this reoccur every time it did gave them both a sad smile, along with Kim who Bentleigh spent a lot of time with when this would happen. Paul walked over to Bentleigh with a dark haired girl, who she was guessing is Rachel. He wrapped an arm around Bentleigh and she took this as the chance and gave him his keys back to him.

"Rach, this is Bentleigh. Embry's little sister, Seth's imprint, and my best friend." Paul said earning a small rock thrown to the back of his head by Nova.

"Uh, bitch, that bitch you got your arm around is my fucking best friend." She replied, getting an attitude in the process.

"Oh no, you must have her confused with someone else, this is my best friend." Paul responded, his voice high pitched as he walked over to Nova with his hands held up as he began to get ready for a fight.

"My gods," Bentleigh mumble. "Every time you two?" She questioned the two as she watched them.

Both Paul and Nova had their hands held up as they began to wrestle. Chuckling, Bentleigh looked at Rachel who wore a worried expression. She glanced over at Bentleigh, her expression fading as it was now a bright smile. Oh! She thought now realizing which Rachel Paul was talking about. This is one of Jake's older sisters, Nova's cousin.

"It has definitely been a while, Leigh." Rachel laughed.

"Sure has, how have you been?" Bentleigh questioned as she pulled her into a hug.

"Alright, actually." She said pulling away, looking back over at Paul and Nova who were still squaring off.

"We both know he'll be okay." Bentleigh voiced.

"I'm more worried about her honestly. Even though I grew up with the girl. Knowing Paul, something is going to happen. It's gonna get out of hand and one of them is going to end up getting hurt." Rachel points out making Bentleigh nod in agreement after really considering her notions.

Paul went to grab at Nova's legs, she took this opportunity and grabbed Paul around the waist. Before Nova could do anything else, Paul stood up with Nova who was now on his back hanging upside down. He held onto the backs of her legs and quickly spun around with Nova hanging onto his torso tightly. She was squealing loudly, making them all laugh at the two friends. After spinning in a circle, Paul took off running into the woods.

Shortly after he came running back screaming, "She's broke loose, run away!" Everyone laughed as he ran past them and into the woods on the back side of the house. Hearing the ripping of clothes, a blur passed them as Nova had phased and was now chasing Paul.

"Ow! Now how is any of this fair right now?" Paul screamed.

Instead of going to check on them, they all shrugged and went to the bed of the truck taking out boxes. Grabbing three boxes going to her room, she carefully walked up the stairs. When Bentleigh walked into her room, she saw Paul hanging off her balcony taunting Nova who was jumping up trying to bite him.

Setting the boxes down quietly, Paul didn't notice her walk over to him. Screaming, she scared the boy hanging from the stone outside her room making him let go of the railing. Bentleigh watched as before he hit the ground from two stories up, Nova dive under Paul catching him as she wrapped her paws around his smaller human frame to her wolf build.

Laughing, Bentleigh hadn't noticed Seth had walked in the room until she turned around seeing him unexpectedly standing by the bed. She let out a small squeak of fear, making him smile.

"That was cute," Seth smiled widely at her as he wrapped his arms around Bentleigh, letting them hang loosely off her hips. "But what you did to Paul was unfair. You know he'll get you back for that." Seth pointed out.

"Looking forward to it actually. Maybe he'll teach me how to fight." She smiled.

He chuckled as he shook his head slightly. "I could teach you how to fight if you really want me to."

"See, I don't have a problem with that. But I think you would." She began earning a small look of confusion from Seth. "You wouldn't want to hurt me. Which is normal and fine, but you'd feel bad even if it was me training." Bentleigh pointed out.

"Because Paul is the better option right now. He's a little pissed with you right now." Seth laughed.

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