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She woke to the light shining through the curtain and an arm lazily draped over her waist along with soft snoring. Slowly opening her eyes she saw Seth. His mouth was slightly opened as he was breathing slowly. She giggled at the sight in front of her and tried to remove his arm from around her. Seth groaned pulling Bentleigh back to him.

"No, don't get up yet." He whines making her chuckle.

"I need to get up." She laughed and he shook his head.

"Please?" He begs like a child who's wanting their parents to get them candy.

"Five more minutes, then I need to get up," she says giving in, he cheers sleepily wrapping her in his arms once again.

After fifteen minutes of staying there in bed with Seth, she wiggled her way out of his grip with protests and got up grabbing clothes before going to the bathroom to change. When she walked out, Seth was sitting up rubbing his face and his hair was sticking out everywhere causing her to giggle. He looks over at her confused.

"What's so funny?" He asks she points to her head. "Your heads funny?" He asked becoming even more confused.

"No your hair is sticking out everywhere and it's funny," she says making him chuckle. "C'mon, I'll go make breakfast if they haven't already." She goes to the door, finding it still locked.

"Your kidding?" She asked herself hearing her bedroom window slide up. Looking over, she sees Seth already half way through the window. "What are you doing?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Jumping out the window." He says in a 'duh' tone. Before she could reply, he swings his legs through the window and jumps to the ground below her window. Bentleigh ran over to the window looking down to see him perfectly fine on the grass.

"You're crazy," she says chuckling as he rolled his eyes.

"Promise, I'll catch you." He reassured her but she still shook her head.

"Just unlock my door. The keys on the top of the door frame." She says trying to make him give up.

"Be there in a second." He says jogging away from her window. As soon as he was out of sight she heard the door unlock and Paul and Jared walked in standing by the door both having smirks on their faces.

"Come on girl we gotta talk about last night before Embry wakes up. He wasn't too thrilled." Jared says with a laugh. Paul looked around her room looking for Seth.

"Where's Seth?" He asks looking at her.

"Jumped out the window and was coming back to let me out because I wasn't jumping out of a goddamn window," she says making the two laugh.

"He wouldn't have you do something that could hurt you without him there. You know that right?" Jared asked. Nodding, she gave him a small shrug.

"Still though. If you lock me in my room again I will kill you in your sleep. That is a promise and not a threat." She tells them sending both a glare.

"It worked didn't it," Paul says with his famous smirk, throwing her over his shoulder. She let out a high pitched squeal wrapping her arms tight around his waist. They laughed lightly as they walked into a room down the hall from hers. It was only when she was taken off Paul's shoulder that they were in Jared's room.

"Spill, what'd you two talk about?" Paul asked in a high pitched voice. Jared agreed to do the same high pitched screeching sound with his voice.

"Before I say anything, I know you listened to everything the entire time, I wanna know who you two imprinted on. And I know you have so don't try to lie to me about it." She says and they both got a light pink blush, barely noticeable on their tan skin.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now