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"If I told you I liked someone that I'd never even think of liking, what would you say?" Nova questions, not making eye contact. She laid on Bentleigh's bed once they got into the room and let out a sigh.

Bentleigh laid on her side next to her friend as Nova turned into her side facing her. Nova looked to be deep in thought, scrunching her nose and furrowing her brows. Bentleigh thought about who she could be talking about. Who was she talking about? Was she talking about Embry?

"You know I would ask you who it was before I ever said anything." She looked at her.

"Please don't freak out okay?" Nova asks making Bentleigh nod. "I like your brother." She says carefully as she paused. This made her smile lightly at her. "I like Embry alright." She says quietly.

"You two would be cute as hell together. I think it's adorable that you like my brother. Now I can't wait to be your maid of honor at your guys' wedding now." Bentleigh laughs at her.

"I'd say the same thing about you and Seth. You are good for each other. I know I've just gotten back here, all the little sparks and the strong connection between you guys." She chuckled. "I really hope that everything works between you two." She adds, making a light blush appear on Bentleigh's cheeks.

Clearing her throat causing Nova to look at her with a confused look and a small smile spread across her lips. "Bentleigh Tala, what aren't you telling me?" She asked in a rushed and alert tone.

She smiled slightly looking her in the eye, seeing that she wasn't kidding. "I may or may not be going out with Seth on Saturday. Oh and don't tell the boys." She huffed out quickly looking at her as Nova gave Bentleigh another confused look.

"Why?" She questions.

"Then they would make fun of us and I don't really need that, right now, or at all really." She explain to her quickly.

She nods understanding what she was saying and knowing that it was true. They had always done that every time she was with someone or they found out that person were going somewhere. It was like that every time. Then if they didn't like the guy they'd run him off, scaring him and it was all starting to get old. If that person didn't leave the boys would tell Embry or Sam about it and they'd scare the poor guy off. She hoped they don't do any of that this time because she was starting to really like Seth.

"You have my promise that I will not tell any of the boys about Saturday." She said putting up three fingers. "Scouts honor." She finished making Bentleigh laugh.

"What's going on Saturday?" Paul asked walking into Bentleigh's room. Nova looked at her with wide eyes.

"Nothing." They both said quickly. Paul looked at them weirdly and before switching his glance to Bentleigh.

"Embry wants to talk to you about something right quick I can stay up here with her if you'd like? If only that's what she wants." He adds quickly after earning a weird stare from Nova.

"That's fine." Bentleigh chuckled looking at her with a look that said 'don't tell him'. She stood giving them a nod walking out of the room but not before giving Paul a warning look. He nodded slightly as she made her way downstairs finding her brother and Quil sitting on the couch. Bentleigh smiled at Quil and smirked at her older sibling.

"What?" He asked giving her a confused look.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know you were listening Embry." She says still smirking at him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Quil mimic her reaction and heard him snort out a laugh. She looked over at him and laughed at her best friend before looking back to Embry.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now