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Standing her room, Bentleigh finished getting ready to take Lottie, Parker, and Maverick to the airport. As she adjusted her shirt a knock was placed on her bedroom door. Letting the person come in, she watched through her mirror as Parker stood in the doorway. Turning towards him, Bentleigh opened her arms in his direction.

Parker ran into them, wrapping his arms tightly around his sister. In their secure hold on one another, Bentleigh could hear her little brother sniff as he started to cry.

"What's wrong, Parks?" She questioned the younger boy.

"Do we have to leave? I never get to see you anymore and it sucks," He paused looking up at her. "Wait! Does this mean your not my sister anymore because Lottie's my mom now?"

His comment broke her heart into a million little pieces at the sound of the amount of pain in his voice. "No, of course not. I'm still your sister. I could be like Lottie's other child."

"You're not young enough to be my child." A voice said from the door, glancing over at Charlotte, Bentleigh gave her a look. "You act like a child, so I guess you could be mine as well as little Parks." She mused.

Rolling her eyes at Charlotte, she looked down at Parker asking if he was ready to go. He didn't respond at first but soon nodded when Lottie said they would come back at Christmas or sooner if they could, but for now Parker had to go and be a kid for a few months as he started school soon. He let out a groan when Lottie brought up having to go school shopping for supplies he would need for the year.

Bentleigh laughed as Charlotte gave her an expression of what she could only think was motherhood. With her only being twenty six, she is brave to take on caring full time for a thirteen year old, but Bentleigh knew that they would both get through this together.

At the airport they all climbed out of Bentleigh's SUV and walked inside. Stopping outside security Bentleigh hugged Charlotte tightly. They stood like that for a few moments and Bentleigh could hear Charlotte start to sniff. The two pulled away from one another and smiled.

"Don't cry Lotts, you two will be back before you know it," Bentleigh tells her cousin as Parker walked over and hugged Bentleigh around the middle again. "You can't cry either Parks, you have to keep the woman sane on the flight until she goes to sleep." She let out making Parker laugh softly as Cahrlotte gave her a look causing Bentleigh to shrug her shoulders. "Don't give me that look. You know for damn sure that I'm right." She replied, her tone full of sass making everyone laugh.

Parker hung onto Bentleigh for dear life as they waited for them to go through the security check. Charlotte played with the young boys hair as they stood there. Eventually, Parker had to let go because it was his turn to go through. He released Bentleigh with a heavy sigh before walking through the entrance. He turned back around and waved a small goodbye as he had caught up with Charlotte and Maverick.

Charlotte brought her hand up to her mouth and blew Bentleigh a kiss before she departed with Parker at her side Maverick didn't make eye contact as he followed the other two. Not long after that the three were out of sight.

Bentleigh sighed as the remaining four of them walked back to her SUV. Seth wrapped an arm around her shoulders pulling Bentleigh into his side as he kissed the top of her head. Leaning into his shoulder, they continued outside and to the car.

Seth let go of Bentleigh and ran over to grab her door before she could reach for the handle. As he opened the car door, he bowed and gave her a terrible posh accent making Bentleigh laugh. He looked up at her, smiling wide. He knew she was upset about Charlotte and Parker having to leave.

Shutting her door, Seth got in the front next to her leaving Embry and Nova in the back. Bentleigh pulled out of the parking lot and left the airport as she could see their plane take off on the runway. Bentleigh let out a sigh turning her attention to the road and began their journey back home.


She walked up to to room seeing Seth laying on her bed. He didn't move when she walked in meaning he was most likely asleep. None of them got a lot of sleep the night before because of a double patrol.

There was a leech in town and it's attacked a couple of people in Forks. The Cullen's have done a patrol of their own after Jacob had asked them to keep an eye out after he talked with Sam about getting them to help.

Laying on the bed beside Seth, she gripped the pillow tight and buried her head into its softness. It didn't take long for his arm to snake around Bentleigh's waist, pulling her to him.

"Why are you just now coming to sleep?" Seth questioned as he opened one eye.

"Because I was talking to Emily at her house for a little bit, seeing how she was doing and they have asked for the both of us to come around sooner or later to talk about something. But when I left Emily was yelling at Sam for the double last night."

"Good, she should. I'm so tired." Seth pouts as he rolled over on his back taking her with him.

Getting comfortable in his grip, she laid her head on his chest, tangled her legs with his, and had her arms wrapped around his torso. "You should get some sleep, we've got another double later on this evening." He said as he fell back to sleep.

After a while of laying there thinking of ways to kill Sam, Bentleigh was finally able to go to sleep. Something she's needed before she fell over on her face whilst doing something productive.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now