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After being here in Canada for almost a week, they were all going home finally. Quil, Paul, and Jared stayed here with them in case something happened while they were gone. From what it seemed like, Garrett had already found his mate and she was going to come Bentleigh and/or Nova because they killed him.

For what it's worth, Vancouver is now a safer place because Garrett's gone. They told Charlotte and Parker that Garrett called Bentleigh when she got outside and told her that he wasn't coming home, that he was moving to Europe because he didn't like being in the states.

They believed Bentleigh and were both pissed at Garrett for missing the funeral. Charlotte let it go and didn't think of it again but that was all Parker talked about. He couldn't handle the fact that his brother had left him like his mother had even if it wasn't ideal for her too.

It broke Bentleigh's heart seeing him like this. She sat down one night in the family room with Charlotte, Seth, Nova, and Embry and talked about what was going to happen to Parker.

"He'll have to go live with his dad again. I don't like the thought of that though so I'm going to try and adopt him. He likes it here anyways so I was thinking I'd let him live with me." Charlotte said looking at her feet.

"That's great Lottie!" Bentleigh exclaimed as Charlotte looked up at her.

"You think so?" She questioned and Bentleigh nodded causing her to smile. "Thanks, Leigh. When are you guys leaving tomorrow?" Charlotte asked, the wide smile falling from her facial features.

"Around noon. Sorry, we couldn't stay longer this time, Lotts. Maybe you and Parker could come to La Push here soon and you can meet the rest of the gang there?" Nova suggested to the light haired girl.

"Sounds like something I could do. But first I have to see if Parker even wants to stay with me here or go with his father. But he hasn't called about him or Garrett so I don't think he wants to see them." Charlotte says looking at the ground once again.

"Why don't you go ask him what he wants?" Embry questions her.

She shrugged her shoulders and even without having to hear what was in her head, Bentleigh could tell she was debating whether or not to talk to the younger boy upstairs.

"It'll be okay, Lottie. If you want we can go talk to him real quick? It won't be anything big." Bentleigh questioned her.

"Sure, but you have to stay in there with me while I talk to him." She said in an almost scared tone.

"Let's go then."

They stood up and walked upstairs to Parker's room with Charlotte trailing behind. Bentleigh could tell she was worried about asking Parker about him wanting to stay with her. Knocking on his door, it opened revealing the little kid. He smiled at them and opened the door wider to let them in.

Going into the room, Bentleigh sees that it's cleaned spotless as she expected it to be messy and the floor littered with things 11-year-olds like to do.

"Hi, girls. What's up? Did I do something wrong?" Parker asked giving them a scared expression that matched Charlotte's.

The blonde woman shook her head, "No hun, your not in trouble. I was wondering if you would like to live here with me? Or would you want to go to your dad's?" She questioned the boy who has become silent.

"My dad hits me. I don't want to go there. Do you think I could stay with you or Bentleigh?" He asked quietly looking between them.

She smiled, "Of course, you can Parks."

He ran up to Charlotte, hugging her tightly around the waist. She looked back at Bentleigh and smiled widely. Hugging him back she rested her head on the top of his. Bentleigh could hear her heart rate pick up out of pure happiness. Parker pulled back, looking up at her.

little call // Seth Clearwater [1]Where stories live. Discover now