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Embry watched as Bentleigh tried to come after him but was held back by their friends. Seth made her focus on him so she'd calm down and had been talking to her calmly. She began getting beads of sweat build up on her forehead and paled in her face. She lost her balance almost hitting the floor before Seth caught her. When he did, he sat on the floor with her propped up in his arms. He panicked looking up at Sam with different questions. Sam looked between them.

"Take her home. I'll be over there in a bit with Dr. Cullen." He says.

Sam looked at Seth, knowing he wouldn't leave her until she woke. Seth nodded picking her up and walking out the front door carefully. Embry followed him out the door and held her while Seth phased behind the trees. When he came back, Embry laid her on his back and phased into his wolf.

Walking to Seth, they began their journey to the Call house. Sam knew with Nova being Embry's imprint, he would want to be here when she woke up. But is letting Embry come back when they get Bentleigh taken care of.

Only with one condition, as long as he kept in check on Bentleigh every couple hours, he could stay with Nova. But either way that's what he was planning to do anyway. He felt terrible for what happened to Nova, but he felt absolutely horrible for making Bentleigh so angry that she's being put through the pain of phasing with her wolf gene.

Are you going to tell me what's wrong with her?

They had started down the pathway and took a left that led straight to the house. Embry dropped his gaze, watching his paws hit the ground as they walked trying to think of something to tell him that could be wrong with her. Only one thing is sticking out that it could cause her to do this.

With the anger and rage that she had towards everyone before fainting was something all of them had done before they were fully in tune with their wolves. But it really depended on the one phasing.

This is her way of phasing. But I'm sure the real reason is probably the stress of everything.

Seth sighed in defeat as they sped up their walking pace through the woods to a slow jog trying to get home faster, not really needing any type of problems or distractions from things, like things these last few nights have held. At the house Embry phased back and pulled on his shorts walking back to Seth, taking Bentleigh from his back so he could phase. When he came back he took Bentleigh back into his arms and walked inside the house taking her straight up to her room. Embry walkes to the living room sitting on the couch as the memories flooded back to him.

Along with the memories, came all of the pain that went with everything that happened. He let out a sorrowful sigh as the different images flooded my brain. He could hardly bare it the first time so this was practically killing him was he 'watched' it happen once again. He could feel the tears building up in his eyes as he tried to blink them away.

They laughed as they messed around with one another walking down the beach. She looked up at him and smiled widely. He leaned down, pecking her lips quickly. She pouted before letting it a small laugh. Embry caught a sweet smelling scent that made him sick.

He looked around, not wanting to scare her. A twig snap in the forest causing him to focus his attention to the tree line watching as two people emerge. Their eyes a bright crimson red. This signaled that they had just fed. They sensed the blood rushing through the wolves veins and before he knew it the two were standing in front of them. Nova was gripping his hand tight in fear.

"She smells real good wolf." The man says looking over at Embry.

"Mind if we have a little taste wolf?" The woman asks.

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