Jealous [W1 Minhyun+Jaehwan]

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Jaehwan's POV
I look at the other members who are playing around the Zero Base. I'm the only one who is staying in room right now. I played some random rhymes with my guitar when Sungwoon suddenly shouts.

"Yah ! Guys ! Let's watch movie !" he shouts but everyone ignored him.

"Ayy ! Come on !" he shouts again.

All of us sit infront of the television after being forced by Sungwoon. I want to sit beside Minhyun but unfortunately, Jinyoung sit there before me. I ended up sitting beside Jisung. We watch the movie together when Minyun suddenly says something.

"You can sleep in my room if you're scared." Minhyun said to Jinyoung.

"I'm not scared of things like this." said Baejin.

"Ayy you can't sleep if you're scared." said Minhyun.

Why does he care for Jinyoung ? I mean yeah.. He cares about our members but why is he asking Jinyoung to sleep with him instead of me ?! I'm his boyfriend... I choose to ignore it and watch the movie back.

"Jinyoung-ah~ Go sleep at your room. I want to sleep too." Minhyun wakes Jinyoung up because Jinyoung is already asleep.

Jinyoung stands and Minhyun guides him to Jinyoung's room. He even help Jinyoung with the blanket. I stare at them before I stand up to go to my room.

"Jaehwan-ah. You want to sleep ?" asks Jisung since there is only both of us who is staying infront of the television now.

I nod slowly. I walk to my room and close the light. I try to close my eyes but I can't. I stare at the ceiling for a long time when I suddenly heard someone's footsteps. I look at my phone and it's already 3:05am.

I widened my eyes to see who is walking at this night. Oh... It's Jinyoung and he is heading to... MINHYUN'S ROOM ?! He enters Minhyun's room and sleep beside him. Minhyun hugs Jinyoung and continue their sleep. I stare at them with broken heart.

"Am I really his boyfriend ?" I ask myself.


"Jaehwan-ah~ Wake up~" said a familiar voice. A voice who used to wake me up everyday. I open my eyes and there is a figure with perfect visual smiling to me.

"Let's eat !" he said.

I stand up and join the others who are eating. We're eating pizza today. I take a pizza when Minhyun suddenly sits beside me. I pretend to ignore him and just talk to the others normally.

"Jaehwan-ah~ Have you wash your teeth ?" he asks.

I didn't answer him but I walk to the bathroom and wash my teeth. When I'm done, I continue to eat.

"Hwan-ie~ Isn't this delicious ?" he asks me but I ignore him and talk with Daniel instead.

"Do you want some of my ramen ?" he asks me again but I'm still ignoring him. Yeah, I'm being jealous right now. Well, who doesn't ?

"Jisung hyung ! Can I have some of your ramen ?" I ask Jisung since I've been craving for some ramen but I'm too lazy to cook.

"You should ask me earlier... Park Woojin finished my ramen. AGAIN." Jisung press the word AGAIN. I chuckles.

"Hey, Kim Jaehwan. I offer you my ramen but you ask for Jisung hyung's ramen ? What's wrong with you ?" asks Minhyun.

I look at him and smile bitterly before I go to my room. Seongwoo follows me to my room. He sits beside me when I play my keyboard. Seongwoo starts to play drum. We start making some weird noises with our instrument talents.

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