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Wow, how does the time fly.

I wrote this book in eighth grade (I believe) and still wrote my freshman year in high school, but completely stopped for a LONG time. Freshman year was rough in every single aspect of mental, physical, and social drainage, but it has made me the BEST version of myself I've ever known. I wouldn't change it for the world.

Now, I'm back with no distractions but school. I'm no longer up on 5 Seconds of Summer and rather moved on to the Dolans twins. (Obviously by my username).

I come with a sign saying that I'm writing again and I would appreciate it if you'd give it a chance. You don't have to love, like, or even know who they are to read this book. It's a book of  fanfiction that would be the exact same if it were 5 Seconds of Summer.

It's called Eden with the description, "She was the Garden of Eden, too perfect to let anyone in."

I adore you guys soso much, my heart aches. I would appreciate it so much if you gave my newest story a chance as well as you hadn't given this one. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Again, thank you so much.

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