ten •

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I hope you guys love this chapter as much as I do. ((:

tuesday, feburary 10, 2015

ten •

the final bell of the day is, and always will be the best sound known to man kind – except michael's laugh, nothing trumps michael's laugh.

"calum, wait up," I don't have much to think about the intruder, for ashton has his hand clammed down in a tight grip on my shoulder – obviously an awful trend for guys at this school. "I'm throwing a party friday, be there?"

"uh, yeah, sure." I shrug, looking over to luke who only gawks at the boy with a much larger build. I try to find luke's gaze, for luke is my wing buddy and goes everywhere with me.

"sweet. I'll see you around."

"see ya," I reply, but the boy is already gone. I turn to luke, watching his eyes roam the parking lot to find the just exiting boy. "earth to luke!" I swing my
hand in front of his, eyes wide and alert, waiting for his thoughts.

"what the hell was that?"

"what was what?" he asks, oblivious to his obvious checking out, and seemingly ignorant that I know.

"you totally just highkey checked out ashton." I giggle, getting into the passenger side of my car.

the whole ride home was filled with humorous bantering, and uncalled for ranting. luke's only defense to him staring is I don't know, man, he had big muscles. I was wondering how he got them. which then I would reply check your sexuality, dude. straight dudes don't check out gay boys muscles.

and with that, I climbed out the car, ran up to my house. said hello to my returning parents, quick conversation on there trip, before I hit the sheets, and fell fast asleep.


michael: I can't sleep

michael: entertain me

michael: calum

michael: cal

michael: cally wally

michael: y u ignore me ?? ;((

me: michael, go to bed.

michael: but I can't :(((

michael: my insomnia is hitting me hard.

me: wanna go for a drive?

michael: do you??

me: anything for you.

me: I'll be over to your house in five.

when michael's message rang through my phone, causing the device to shake and ding in the most obnoxious way – I was up in a millisecond. I ignored the message, tried hard not to see what could possibly be bothering me at such an ungodly hour – I fell upon the conclusion that I should just say goodbye to precious sleep cause that's something I am not getting tonight.

michael sheepishly climbs in the passenger side, wearing a simple pair of black leggings and on of his famous tumblr sweaters; curiosity killed your virginity written in bold letters above a scene of grunge flowers.

"did the curiosity kill your virginity?" I ask, pulling out of the driveway and heading toward the prettiest parts of town.

"it did. slept wth one chick, to see if I like lady parts – not a fan." his giggles fills up my car, and as I look over to him, I hold back my coo. his large green eyes are open with child like wonder, as my car slows to the pace my mother used to drive when she drove mali and I through here.

the scene is always empty as the clock strikes the hour of three in the morning. the valentines day lights the city mayor sets up each year illuminates the area with speckles of reds, pinks, and whites. the colors dance in the depths of michael's eyes, twisting and turning the scene in something so chaotic, so full of wonder, so absolutely breath taking. rebelling against the laws of all living creatures, michael unrolls his window in the dead of a feburary night, practically freezing my bare arms to almost falling off.

I almost tell him to roll it up, until I notice how the boy is nothing but a creature of mystery in the night. michael looks more alive, more awoken beneath the stars of a sleeping city, then he ever has amongst the crowds at school.

"wait! I have a song for this exact moment." michael screeches, plugging his phone into my aux cord and sifting through his playlist to find the perfect song.

"who's the artist?" I question, turning onto the almost empty high way.


"who's that?"

"a chick that I would go straight for any day." I laugh at his ridiculousness, closing my lips when michael shushes me.

"my hands wrapped around your stick shift, serving on the 405 I can never keep my eyes off this," I look to michael, observing him as he sinks low into his seat, kicking his ugg boot clad feet on the dashboard. "my neck, the feeling of your soft lips. illuminated in the light, bouncy off the exit signs, I missed."

"all we do is drive, all we do is think about the feelings that we hide, all we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign."

and under the burning stars, just outside of  sandusky, I fell for the boy with the brightest smile, and the voice of a angel.

halsey has everyone is this fandom fücking whipped ahahaha.
i haven't even hit you with malum shït yet, gosh I'm so exited.
this book also hit 1K in the first ten chapters?? & may I just say that this is a first.

find me on social media ??

instagram :: mexgxnn (try not to mention wattpad much.)

snapchat :: meagang1542

twitter :: hoodisfire

love you all - meagan

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