twenty five •

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friday, march 6, 2015

twenty five •

"cal!" i groan, feeling an all too familiar ringed fingers wrap tightly around my forearm, tugging me back and away from my computer class.

"don't act like that, please," my eyes roll, landing on a very distressed whitney; normal blonde hair isn't done up in curls or straightened, instead it's simply pulled up into a messy bun atop her head. her bright blue eye glow dull beneath her make up free eye lids, and her petite figure is clothed in a pair of gray sweat pants, and one of my old green day t-shirts. my concern grows as i observe the small detail of faint gray bags under her usual clear face, the way her shoulders slightly slouch, and her eyes plead like puppies instead of the usual wolf. i may be over her, but that doesn't mean i don't care about her well being. "i need your help."

"with?" i ask, pulling her out of the rush of impatient lower classman in a fury to not be late for class.

"can we talk in your car or something? it's private." i nod without a hesitation, her voice growing noticeably weaker, and by the grab of her forehead i can she's having a hard time focusing.

"are you okay? do you need to go to the hospital?" i question, pulling the side door open for the distraught girl in front of me.

"no. i just have a headache." she explains, a feeble grin and a shrug accompanying her words. i sigh, flinching when i hear the bell ring, informed that a phone call will be made home, and michael will be more then curious about my unexpected excursion.

"whitney," i say, watching the cramped flimsy girl sit in the passenger side of my car. her elbow rests on the door handle, hand grabbing stressfully at the roots of her platinum hair, as silent tears slide down her face. "what's going on?"

"i don't know what to do, cal," whitney whines, her short clipped finger nails digging into her scalp. i slide my fingers into her own, my larger tanned hand suffocating the ringlets of her pale scrawny hand. "shane cheated on me. more then once."

"you guys were together?"

"were," she sighs, squeezing my hand. "but yes. i made the awful made mistake of dating the one guy who i shouldn't have trusted."

"why are you so upset about this? there are so many guys out there that would die to be with you." i squeeze her fingers reassuringly, watching as she sighs deeply.

"but that's the thing," she no longer bothers to wipe her tears away. "they want to know my vagina, not my mind. and the one guy who actually liked me for me, and actually cared for me - i cheated on. fücking karma, i deserved this i guess."

"don't say that," i sigh, taking my hand from hers, and taking my keys from my back pocket. "no one deserves to go through such pain, but why are you so hung up on him? it's shane, the biggest loser douchebag in the whole school. he doesn't deserve your time, or thoughts."

"i know, its just," her voice mixes with the sound of my engine roaring to life. "he cheated on me with my best friend."

"peggy?" a part of me is shocked to hear such a story of betrayal, and dishonesty. the other have expected this to happen.

"yeah, and the worst part; i found out the same day i missed my period." i stop, the car coming to a faultless stop at the end of school parking lot. i look over at the blonde i was once in love with, seeing a torn and tattered girl instead of the strong confident girl that struts through the hallways each day.

"you think your pregnant?" i request, the shock coursing through my body in shivers of confusion.

"i have an appointment on monday."

"oh my god, whitney," i pull into the closest wendy's for a snack to munch on, and maybe a student less proximity to make it easier for whitney to spill her inner emotions i know she's been holding in. "what are you going to do with a baby?"

"i don't know," she breaks out into her sobs, her body quaking with the ultimate amount of sadness and confusion i've seen laced upon the girl. "i have no one, calum. once my father finds out, he'll disown me, and my mother will go along with anything he says. my brother is in fücking london for school, and won't comeback because of issues with my mom. i don't have anyone."

"your wrong," i say forcefully, taking her hand once again, and squeezing it. "you have me."

"you can't, calum. you have michael, and i've been nothing but a bitch to the two of you. i cheated on you for christ sakes!"

"last year, whitney. shit's in the past, and i'm not one to hold a grudge. you need someone most in this world, and i'm going to be that some one," i bring the back of her hand to my lips, a light kiss being placed there. "no one deserves to ride a bumpy road alone."

"what did i do to possibly earn someone as good as you?"

"let's just go eat."


there was two ways this story could've gone.

i chose this way.

you may hate me, but things happen for a reason, so no worries.

love you all - meagan

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