character ask + comment

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idk man, I just really wanna do a character ask. i feels like it'll be fun ((:

just comment an inline comment on the persons name you wanna ask.

I'll answer all these questions by the end of this week !!

- calum

- michael

- luke

- ashton

- whitney

- me (( meagan ))

if any of you have any other questions for any of the characters comment them here >>

{ awkward moment when your character development is so shïtty that you legit have no characters lol }

fun fact :: at first I was totally going to have luke and mali have a more then a friend type of relationship... until lashton came along.


- I'm not complaining or anything but I'm curious as to why the reads and comments on this story are going down? is not everyone caught up or did y'all just decided to hate me bc I did something wrong ??


I'm not going to actually start the lashton story until Demon's is finished bc I still don't know how I'm going to finish this story and if lashton is going to be there then.. yeah.

- Question -

what if I didn't make doubt a spin off to Demons? what if I pushed it off a few years to like when there in college and such ?? so instead of a sequel to this story, the sequel is more of a lashton book? it'll be easier and probably a better written book if I did it that way.

idk, let me know.

ask questions, don't be so silent. I love reading comments to much aha.

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