fanfiction award ??

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so my rad friend aestheticannie  decided that she wanted to nominate me for a fanfiction award ??

I know it's an unrealistic expectation/ dream to want to win such an award at such a young age and with such an unnoticed fanfic, but it would really mean a lot to me if you guys could even nominate me.

she nominated this story for :

- best 5sos fanfic (??)
- best of the undiscovered
- best next big thing
- best fanfiction plot ( we haven't even gotten to the plot lmao )

anyway, you guys can go nominate me if you want to or not, it would mean a lot to me if you would though.

here's the link >

I'll be updating today, cause I update too much aha.

thanks you ❣

love you all - meagan

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