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Michael watched from across the court as Calum bounced the ball, his eyes focused on the other players surrounding him.

"Hey Cal over here!", he called, making himself open.

Calum passed the ball, causing Michael to quickly grasp it and pass it to Ashton.

Ashton smirked, making a 360 turn before passing it back to Michael.

Calum ran behind Michael in instinct, his hands ready for the ball.

The player from the opposite team attempted to get the ball before Michael threw it backwards, allowing Calum to catch it.

"Yes!", Ashton fist pumped, doing a little victory dance.

Michael smirked, turning to Calum who passed him the ball. He began to spin the ball on his finger, looking at an opponent.

"You want this?", he teased.

The boy huffed, putting his hands on his hips. "C'mon Clifford. It's a game."

Calum snorted, watching as Michael rolled the ball down each of his arms, catching it swiftly each time.

"Okay. let's go", he held the ball up, signalling to Calum.

Calum frowned, confused what Michael was about to do. He looked around, seeing the team looking at him intensely, there was no gap for him to get the ball.

"Hey Cal!"

"Um Michael-"

Michael pretended to throw the ball in Calum's direction before passing it to Andrew.

Calum sighed in relief. "You bastard."

Michael giggled, watching as Andrew bounced the ball towards the hoop, before he was blocked by a player.

Michael and Calum jogged down the court, backing him up.

"Heads up!", Andrew called throwing the basketball over everyone's heads. Calum caught it easily, passing it to Michael. Michael passed it back, causing the two to induce in a game of catch playfully.

The team players groaned trying their hardest to get the ball.

Luke made his way down the halls, stopping outside the Sports hall as he noticed a game going on in the court.

He squinted his eyes slightly, adjusting his glasses, noticing the team was focused on two particular players.

The blonde gasped quietly, his lips breaking into a smile as he recognized the senior from the other day.

"He plays basketball", he whispered. 

His stomach felt like it was doing somersalts, as he watched Michael in action. He wore red and black uniform, a vest on his upper body and baggy shorts on his legs.

Michael hummed a tune, changing to a chest pass.

Calum whistled along with him, rolling the ball down his back.

"Coach c'mon!", someone cried.

The grey haired man, crossed his arms, blowing his whistle. "Clifford, Hood, give it up", he warned.

Michael smiled, grasping the ball again. "Alright boys. Let's play."

The team hustled, surrounding the pair however Michael smoothly pushed the ball off his fingertips, aiming it in Andrew's direction.

Andrew smiled gratefully, running across the court, meeting Ashton halfway.

Ashton performed a euro step,  going in one direction then another to trick the players.

Michael waited patiently by the hoop, Calum not far in front crossing his arms.

The ball eventually made it's way to their direction, Calum grasped the ball, turning and smiling at Michael.

"You ready?"

"Always", Michael smirked, catching the ball with one hand, jumping lightly on his feet as the ball slipped from his fingertips, smoothly making it's way into the net.

"Yes", he exclaimed, as the rest of the team cheered with him.

Calum grinned, meeting him with a handshake. "Nice one."

Ashton squealed, clumsily making his way towards Michael before jumping on his back.

"Yay Michael!"

Luke giggled, watching as he was surrounded. He bit his lip, wishing he had the guts to go in and say hi. 

The younger boy smiled anyway, watching them indulge in victory before turning his wheelchair to go. 

"Michael! Michael! Michael!", the team chanted.

Luke gasped, looking back.

"I know his name."


thank you sooo much for reading!

i love muke and u

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