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warning: long and sad lol sorry 


Neil yawned as he sat next to Gabriella in the library the next morning. They were in before class, so were the only students inside.

"I can't believe we're here."

Gabriella spread out the paper she brought with her in front of them, before getting her pencil case out of her bag.

"You can't believe we're here this early?"

"No", Neil shook his head. "I can't believe we're here together."

Gabriella smiled and nudged his arm. "Well, we are. And we're gonna help your best friend. Here", she handed him a ballpoint pen.


He watched as she got herself a pen.

"What are we even doing exactly? It's not like we need a pie chart to see if Michael's really gay."

"Not a pie chart, no. But a list."

Neil raised an eyebrow. "A list?"

"Yes", she nodded. "Pro's and con's."

Gabriella wrote pro's and con's in capital letters before splitting it into two columns.

"Let's begin with pro's."

"Okay", Neil sat forward on his chair. "About Michael?"


"Um, he's super nice? At least everytime I've spoken to him."

"Good, okay, nice. Keep going", she scribbled down on the piece of paper.

"He's popular. He plays basketball-"

"Alright, stop. Is he friends with the whole basketball team?"

"I mean I'd assume so. His dad is the school's coach, so everyone loves him. Why does that matter?"

"We need to know who's closest to Michael in order to figure him out, and who knows him better than his friends."

"Right", Neil nodded.

"Anything else?", Gabriella looked at him as she twirled the pen around her finger.

Neil blew some air in thought. "He's handsome. Like crazy good looking. Luke can't stop talking about it, even now. His eyes are different, it's like they're green but with a hue of blue, plus he's like seven foot so I'm sure all girls like th-"

"Slow down, Shakespeare."

Neil chuckled. "Sorry."

"Okay. Let's go to con's."

The young boy leaned his cheek against his palm. "Con's? Well as you said, no one sees Michael and Luke together. It's like they're-"

"Not together", she answered writing it down. "Michael used to have a girlfriend. I'm sure Luke doesn't know that right?"

Neil shook his head. "He tells me everything. He would have told me that in a second."

"How are they with dates? Have they gone anywhere public?"

"Not that I know of. I'm pretty sure they've only been on one date, it was to Mcdonalds, but it was a diner outside of town."

"Why would he take him there?"

"Maybe the nuggets are better?", he smirked.

Gabriella rolled her eyes at the boy playfully. "Or perhaps he didn't want to risk anyone seeing them. What did Luke say about that?"

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