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Luke watched with hearts in eyes as Michael threw the basketball into the hoop for the thirtieth time. They were in the court again a few days later after school.

The senior turned around to look at his small boyfriend who sat in the stalls smiling.

"You know you don't have to watch. I totally understand if it's boring for you."

Luke grinned and leaned his cheek against his palm. He couldn't get over how good Michael looked. His forehead was sticky, so his hair lay flat against his head, and he wore his red basketball uniform.

"Are you kidding? I either wait outside for my dad to pick me up, or watch you. I choose this, always."

Michael smirked, and span the ball on his finger.

"Alright, cool."

"Cool", Luke smiled and picked up Michael's large jersey which he left on the stall, and began to put it around his body.

Michael jogged over to Luke quickly, before helping him put the jacket on.

Luke smiled. "Thank you."

"I told you how pretty you look today right?"

Luke giggled and blushed slightly as he looked up at the tall boy. "Yes. Three times now."

"Just checking."

"You're sweet."

Michael leaned down and gently kissed Luke's forehead before turning away.

"Hey", Luke whined, catching his arm.

"What is it?"

The blonde pulled him close and pouted his lips.

Michael chuckled and kissed his mouth softly.

"Better?", he mumbled.

"Yes", Luke smiled, kissing him again. "Okay, you may go."

"Ha", the older boy stood up straight. "Whatever you say, princess."

Luke laughed, closing his eyes as he smelt the scent from Michael's jacket. "Can we get food after?"

Michael dribbled the ball in between his legs before speaking.

"As I said, whatever you say."

The blonde's eyes lit up as his boyfriend scored another ball into the basket.

"You're perfect."

"Yes, you are."


Neil frowned as he repeated the combination for his locker when it wouldn't open.

"Come on", he groaned punching it with his fist.

"Ouch!", he looked down at his hand to see it was red. "Oh, well done Neil! That's likely to leave a bruise."

The seventeen-year-old sighed.

"I hate these things", he muttered, trying again.

"Neil Glendon can't open his locker, but can solve any simultaneous equation?", a female voice spoke behind him.

Neil turned as Gabriella from his chemistry class walked around him, and leaned her body against a locker.

"Oh", he chuckled. "Hey there. Yes, as you can see me and small compartments do not mix", he sighed giving up.

Gabriella giggled, moving forward. "Let me try?"

Neil watched in awe as she moved beside him, his eyes watching her long curly black hair. "What?"

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