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Luke giggled as he tried to balance a pencil on Michael's nose. They were in the School's library, sat on a table on the third floor.

"Stop moving, I've almost got it!"

Michael sniggered, closing his eyes as he sat next to Luke. He peeked his eyes open to look at him, watching as his eyes were full of concentration.

"Yes!", he whispered delicately. "Don't move, I'll try and get two on!", he said picking up another pencil.

"Okay", Michael smirked. Before Luke could place it on his face Michael did a fake sneeze loudly, causing Luke to jump.

"Hachooo!", he sounded.

Luke gasped, covering his mouth.

"Michael!", he laughed as the pencil rolled off his face.

Michael chuckled, his eyes full of joy. "My bad."

"You idiot!", Luke joked. "You did that on purpose!", he gently pushed Michael's chest.

Michael grinned, holding onto Luke's hand.

"What do you mean? There's a high amount of pollen in this library."

Luke scoffed, detaching their fingers so he could relax in his wheelchair.

Michael grinned. "Come here", he held out his hand.

"Go away", Luke joked, crossing his arms.

Michael smirked, resting his head on the table. "Look at me," he said quietly as Luke tried to avoid him. He admired the small blonde wearing his jacket.

Eventually, the blonde looked down at the senior and laughed. "Weirdo", he said placing his hand on Michael's face.

"You're blocking my right to see?", he. mumbled.


Michael snorted, lifting his head up. "That's fair", he said before getting his snapback out of his bag and placing it on his head.

Luke instantly admired how the cap looked on the senior. "Nice hat."

Michael smiled. "Thanks, it was actually Calum's."

Luke giggled, taking it off Michael to put it on.

"And now it's yours?", Michael smirked.

"I'm just trying it!", he exclaimed, putting it on backward. "How cool do I look?"

"Super cool."

Luke smirked. "It doesn't do my quiff justice.", he took it off, beginning to fix his hair.

Michael sniggered, watching him. "You look gorgeous don't worry."

Luke blushed, placing the snapback on Michael.

"Thank you."

Michael smirked fixing the hat as he slumped back in his chair. "Anytime."

Luke's couldn't keep his eyes off the senior. There was no denying he was attractive. Michael was everything Luke wanted in a person. Just sitting there in his black hoodie and cool persona was enough to make Luke fall by the minute. He couldn't believe he was sitting right beside him.

"I forgot to say I saw Ashton last week", Luke spoke, after literally checking Michael out for ten seconds.

Michael nodded. He and Ashton were still on bad terms. They hadn't spoken since last week, same with Calum.

"Yeah? He didn't terrorize you did he?", Michael smirked.

Luke giggled. "No, but he's super funny."

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