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The bell rang on a Tuesday afternoon, signaling the end of the school day.

Luke continued to rapidly scribble notes down in his notebook as he sat at the front row in his 2.15PM Math class. 

"Don't forget to  study chapters 3 and 4 in your textbooks for your pop quiz next week!", Mr. Johnson called as the students bustled out of the class.

"That's next week? Oh my-let me put that in my diary!", Luke mumbled under his breath.

Mr. Johnson smirked as he saw Luke fumble in his backpack.

"Don't worry Mr. Hemmings, I'm sure you'll ace it, as always."

Luke smiled, placing his book on the table. 

"I'll try my best, sir."

James, the boy who sat next to him stood up, ready to leave.

"Later Luke. I'll try and finish that new stars war movie you keep telling me to watch."

"It's Star Wars!", Luke laughed as he walked away. "And it's amazing! See you!"

"Same thing!", Jamie sang.

Luke chuckled, writing in his book.

Mr. Johnson grabbed his satchel before throwing it over his body. "Take care Luke, see you next week."

"Bye, sir!", he waved. 

Luke finished making notes a few minutes later. He was the last person in the class. The blonde packed his books away, before making sure his desk area was tidy. After tucking in other people's chairs and throwing away a broken pencil, he made his way out of the classroom.

"I knew you'd be the last one left."

Luke gasped, as he noticed Michael's voice. He turned around to see the senior leaning against the wall, his arms crossed.

"What are you doing here?!"

Michael laughed at his surprised boyfriend.

"What do you mean what am I doing here? I've come to see you", Michael bent down, engulfing him in a hug. Luke closed his eyes happily, hugging him back. The senior smiled, gently kissing Luke's head twice, before pulling away.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, duh! I mean what are you doing here, shouldn't you be playing basketball?"

Michael grinned.

"Yeah I should, but practice was canceled so I came to you instead."

"Oh", Luke said, pulling Michael's fingers towards him, before squealing in excitement.

"Well, hi!"

Michael chuckled, moving closer.

"Hey, you. How was math?"

Luke screwed up his face jokingly. "Ew, don't ask me about Math!"

The senior laughed again. "Why not? You're good at it. Better than me."

Luke hummed, reaching for Michael's other hand. "I can always tutor you."

Michael smiled. "Sure. I'm down with that. You're super pretty though so it might be hard to concentrate." 

Luke blushed, pulling Michael towards him. "Thank you."

The hallways were completely empty, everyone else had gone home, it was just the two of them.

"You're welcome."

"This is such a surprise! I was literally about to go past the gym and see you play. As stalkerish as that sounds."

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