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Thank you so much to everyone who reads/comments/and cries with me

muke is forever, enjoy the chapterrr


"Luke, can I come in?"

Neil leaned his head against Luke's bedroom door the following evening. The blonde wouldn't answer his texts or calls, so he decided to go to his house instead.

Luke was wrapped underneath at least seven blankets, his face could be seen as he rested his head on two pillows. The blonde just wanted to sleep and hide beneath the covers forever. He had never felt so sad before.

Neil sighed as Luke didn't answer.

"Look, Luke", he placed a hand on the door. "I know you're in there."

"I'm sleeping", he mumbled.

Neil rolled his eyes. "Well that's obviously not true now, is it? You're avoiding my calls and texts so you leave me no choice. I'm coming in", Neil bent the door handle, and opened it, to see his best friend lay in bed.

"Luke", he sighed sympathetically.

Luke screwed his eyes shut instantly.

"Luke's not here."

Neil smiled sadly and closed the door before sitting on the side edge of Luke's bed. "Hey", he placed a hand on Luke's arm. "Talk to me, buddy."

"There's nothing to say, Neil."

"What do you mean there's nothing to say?"

The blonde huffed and pulled the sheets around him some more. 

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Well, I do, alright? Clearly, you're upset, and after what happened today, I need to know you talked to Michael and you know that-"

"We broke up."

Neil furrowed his eyebrows and stared at his best friend in shock.


"Yes. We broke up. I broke up with him."

Neil gulped.

"Luke, I'm so sorry."

"Why?", he laughed bitterly. "You weren't exactly a big fan of him Neil. Considering what you did today."

"I was trying to protect you. I mean the guy's a total douche, he cheated on you."

"No, he didn't!", Luke used his arms to lift himself up.

Neil frowned and moved back slightly to give him some room.

"What are you talking about? Me and Gabby purposely sent a girl from the cheer team to talk to him."

Luke furrowed his eyebrows before leaning his back against his bedpost.

"Wait, you were in on this? You set Michael up?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Why would you do that Neil? It doesn't involve you! Or Gabriella for that matter."

"I was skeptical at first, but she spoke to me, she knew there was something off about you two, I couldn't just ignore her. Luke, you're my best friend."

Luke groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

"Why are you always trying to protect me? I'm fine. I could have handled it myself."

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