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Luke rolled to his bottom locker, turning his chair before entering his locker combination.

The blonde squinted his eyes, holding his glasses whilst scanning the small numbers.

He opened it, getting the books he needed for the day accidentally dropping his water bottle in the process. He sighed, reaching down to pick it up before he saw a familiar converse stop it from rolling.

He looked up to see his best friend, Neil.

"Hey Luke", he picked the bottle up, handing it to him.

"Thanks, Neil", he smiled sadly, closing his locker.

"What's up? I didn't see you in homeroom this morning."

Neil leaned against the lockers, his brown curly locks moving. He took off glasses, cleaning them with his shirt.

"Oh, I had a doctors appointment", Luke said, moving to place his books in the backpack behind his chair.

"Everything okay?"

Luke nodded, unzipping his backpack.

"Here let me-"

"Neil", Luke interrupted.

Neil smiled. "Sorry"

Luke shook his head. "Don't apologize, it's just. I can do it.", he assured, putting his books away.

Neil grinned, standing by Luke's side as they went down the hallway.

"So do you wanna come to mine tonight? My mum's making her famous chili."

"Indeed I would. Your mum's cooking is the best."

"Cool, I'll meet you later then?"

"3.15", he nodded.

"Later Skywalker!", he exclaimed, running up the stairs.

Luke snorted to himself, moving towards the elevator. The blonde waited patiently, hearing the footsteps of students trudging up the stairs behind him. He jumped slightly as a group exploded in laughter.

Luke kept his head low, watching his hands in his lap before the ding of the elevator made him bring his head up.

A teacher walked out, smiling at him which he politely returned. He rolled himself in, pressing the button before watching the school kids as he waited for the doors to close.


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