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Michael led his head against the car window, as his Dad pulled up outside the school.

"Thanks, Dad, see you later", he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Before he could leave, Daryl grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Wait, Michael, I've got something for you."

Michael furrowed his eyebrows nervously as his Dad pulled out a large, white envelope and handed it to him. He slowly read over the paper, seeing his name was written alongside private and confidential. Michael looked at his dad gingerly.

"Open it", Daryl smiled.

Michael slowly opened the envelope. He gasped, holding his hand over his mouth. "Dad this is a scholarship letter."

Daryl grinned.

Michael's eyes shined as he read the words 'Congratulations, Michael Clifford, you have been accepted for our UVA Basketball programme."

"Dad this..this is incredible", Michael breathed, re-reading the words, which included when he would start. "I didn't even get a letter of recommendation, how did they-"

"It was me."

"What?", Michael turned to face his father.

Daryl nodded. "All you need to know is I made all the phone calls and spoke to the right people. With your soaring academics and expertise in basketball, they couldn't refuse you."

Michael laughed, shaking his head. "I can't believe this Dad thank you", he pulled him in for a hug.

"It was all you Mike."

Michael pulled away and looked at the letter again. "I'm going to UVA."

"You're gonna make us all proud Michael. You already are. "

Michael grinned. "I can't believe this."

"Seems like everything is falling into place", Daryl spoke. "Now all you need is to find the right girl, and you'll be all set for the future right buddy?"

Michael paused to look at his father, he gulped slightly before answering. "Um yeah of course Dad. Thanks". he half smiled, getting out of the car.

"Have a great day champ", Daryl grinned.


"You got into UVA? Dude that's huge!", Calum exclaimed before dunking a basketball into the basket.

Ashton laughed with joy quickly running up and taking a shot. "Seriously Michael, this is insane news.

Michael sighed, sitting in a stall as he watched his best friends. They were in the sports hall after practice.

"I know guys. I'm very grateful", he said playing with a thread on his basketball vest.

"Then why aren't you like shouting to the whole school about it?", Ashton asked.

Calum chuckled. "Yeah. At least do a few cartwheels or something Mike."

Michael shook his head. He ran his hands through his hair before looking at his two closest friends. "It's just crazy from here on, everything changes."

"That's right. You'll be playing for NBA in no time!", Calum exclaimed, dribbling the ball so Ashton couldn't get it. He began to move around the hall, Ashton chasing after him.

Michael stood up, following his two friends. "Well, it means things are gonna be different you know?", he smirked slightly as he watched Ashton fail to get the ball from Calum's fingertips.

Calum span around, moving the ball under his legs before spinning it on his index finger. "Change is good Mike. Things won't be that different."

Ashton groaned, trying to hit it out of Calum's hand. Calum giggled, rolling the ball down his back. Before he could catch it, Michael swiftly moved forward, and got the ball in his grasp, holding it up.

"You're right. I'll still have to play with you losers", he joked.

Ashton sighed, falling to the floor. "How does he always do that!"

Michael laughed.

Calum grinned, holding his hands up in defeat. "This is why you are going", he pointed at Michael's chest. "You're the best baller I know."

"You will get in too Cal", Michael responded, shooting the ball through the hoop with one hand.

"Hey!!", Ashton whined still on the floor. "What about me?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "Of course you will Ashton. We will all go together."

"Which means we'll be bunk sharing", Calum sniggered.

"What?", Michael asked, bending to place his hands on his knees.

"Yeah. UVA is in Virginia.", Ashton stood up, brushing his shorts. "We'd have to move there for at least six months to earn a scholarship."

"Did you forget Mike?", Calum smirked, grabbing the basketball before passing it to Ashton who beamed with joy as he finally got the ball.

Michael gulped, straightening his back. "N-No, of course. I knew that", he said quietly.

"Then think forward! Dream big! You've pretty much got a ticket out of this town to do what you've always wanted to. I mean think about it. Is there anything really holding you back?", Calum asked.

Michael half smiled, placing his hands on the back of his neck. "There kind of is."

"Oooh!", Ashton spoke. "I know! Blondie."

Calum nodded, sighing. "Of course, Luke."

Michael walked away and sat on one of the stalls.

"Look, Michael. You can still be with him you know? People have long distance relationships all the time."

"It's not just that", Michael replied, rubbing his hands over his face. "If my Dad knows that... I'm gay, he might take the scholarship away from me."

Ashton gasped dramatically causing Calum to glare.

"Sorry", the curly haired boy mumbled before dunking the ball into the basket.

Calum rolled his eyes, turning back to Michael.

"Dude. How could you even say that?"

"Because you don't know him like I do Cal. If I do one little thing that is out of line my Dad will always make sure I learn my lesson. UVA is too big for me to give up."

"So what are you saying? You'd rather hide your own sexuality and be dishonest with your family just to get a scholarship?"

Michael looked up at his friend. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

"That's the stupidest thing you've ever said, Mike."

"You're being harsh!", Ashton exclaimed.

"He needs harsh. I'm only saying this because I care. You're not even giving your parents a chance. They are your parents. They love you no matter what."

Michael stood up, towering over Calum by a few inches.

"It's my business, Cal. And my family. If you don't respect that then whatever. But you keep what you know about me and Luke a secret."

Calum crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes. "And what do you think Luke is gonna think about all this?"

"He doesn't have to know", Michael spat. "I will see him on my terms, in secret. Until I'm ready to tell everyone."

Calum tsked, standing back from Michael.

"Let me know how that goes for you. And when you're ready? Let me know when you're also ready to be friends again.", he said before walking away.

Michael gulped slightly watching as he left.


Ashton bit his lip awkwardly. He walked over to Michael, who looked at him seriously.

"This isn't you Mike", he spoke, passing him the ball before walking out of the sports hall.


OOoh drama

haha thank u for reading !!!

what will happen next .... ;)

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