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Luke waited patiently outside the Sports Gym after school at a quarter past 3. He was supposed to meet Michael at 3 pm, but the blonde just figured he was running late.

Luke decided to play candy crush in the meantime until he was interrupted by a cheerful voice.


Luke gasped, almost dropping his phone "Oh my god."

He looked up to see Ashton, wearing his basketball uniform, his curls falling in his face. 

Ashton gasped too. "Oh my god?", he panicked. "Is there still spinach in my teeth? I asked Calum twenty times and he said no!"

Luke laughed, putting his phone in his pocket. "No, no, no! You're good! Oh my god as in you just scared me that's all!"

Ashton sighed, gritting his teeth together. "Are you sure?"

Luke giggled. "Certain!"

"Phew", Ashton sighed in relief, looking at the blonde. "Well hi!"

Luke grinned shyly. "Hi."

"Sorry for the scare, I just saw you and thought oh hey that's that cool sophomore kid and thought I would greet you."

"Wow", Luke smiled. "I never thought cool and my name would be used in the same sentence. As for the scare, no worries, everything scares me!", he smirked.

Ashton sniggered. "Tell me about it! How do people even get out of the house these days? A butterfly touched my arm and I almost had a heart attack!"

Luke giggled. He enjoyed Ashton's presence.

"Hey, I'm glad you made it."

Ashton sighed. "Another day, another survival my friend. So what are you still doing in this hell hole they for some reason call school?"

Luke chuckled. 

"I'm actually waiting for Michael. He was supposed to be here at 3", Luke checked his watch. "But I think he's running late."

Ashton's eyes suddenly filled with sympathy at the mention of his best friend's name. His mind reminded back to their argument an hour ago. It had just hit Ashton that Luke knew nothing about it.  There was no way Michael was going to meet Luke today.

"Michael huh?", he spoke after a short silence. 

Ashton knew Michael had gone home and forgotten to cancel on Luke.

"I think Michael actually left practice early because of a stomach bug", he lied.

"Oh really?", Luke raised his eyebrows. "Is he okay?"

Ashton didn't want to lie to the sophomore. He was too nice. But he had no choice.

"I hope so. He did look pretty nauseous during practice. I think it's that new lasagne on the lunch menu. I'm warning you, stay away!"

Luke giggled, before playing with his fingers.

 "Well alright then", he sulked slightly. "I guess I better get going.", he adjusted his wheels so he could move forward.

Ashton smiled sympathetically. "Hey, don't worry. Michael never misses a day of school. He'll be brand new Monday."

Luke grinned. "I'm sure he will. Thank you."

Ashton raised his eyebrow. "For what? I'm not psychic or anything, so don't actually take my word for it.", he joked.

Luke giggled before shaking his head. "No for um, for talking to me. Not many people do so thanks."

Ashton grinned. "Are you kidding? You're awesome! See, this is what's wrong with the world."

Luke laughed.

Ashton smiled. "May I escort you out of this horrible building? Unless you like school then I take back everything."

"No!", Luke chuckled. "Let's go."

Luke couldn't help but smile as he left the building with Ashton. The sophomore couldn't believe it. He had made a new friend.


hi its me i finally updated

what about a double update? 


thanks for reading!

the sophomore||mukeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ