Chapter 30

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„I do can cook without burning myself, you know", Youngjae pouted as he sat on the counter, feet dangling while the other cooked.

„I'm just being careful", Jaebum mumbled. Youngjae nearly touched the hot stove by accident before but JB could luckily hold his hand back in time.

„I feel useless", Youngjae complained after three minutes. The older should only help him, not do the whole cooking on his own.

„You're not"

„I sure am"

„Fine, you can set the table"

Happily to do something he hopped onto the floor and began to bring the items to the table. Maybe he put a candle in the middle on purpose but that was his secret. Satisfied with his work he walked back into the kitchen and stood there a couple of seconds just admiring the other man. Jaebum felt a gaze on him and turned towards the younger, smiling.

„It's nearly finished"

Not five minutes later Youngjae helped carrying the pots to the table and the two began to eat.

„Thanks for cooking", Youngjae said genuinely.

„Like I said a few weeks ago, I'd gladly do it again"

„You still remember that?"

Jaebum chuckled. „I won't ever forget that night"

Youngjae giggled too. It had been indeed a very special night for the both of them.

As Youngjae tried the chicken Jaebum had cooked he couldn't suppress the quit moan that left his lips.

Jaebum looked up in shook as he heard the noise. How dare Youngjae, he thought to himself.

„This is so damn good!", he said after he had swallowed a second bite. A rosy blush on his cheeks.

„That's", Jaebum coughed, „nice to hear"

The two went on chatting about unimportant topics for the next hour. Like, are you a cat or a dog person? Or why Youngjae hated cucumbers.

„But they're tasty", Jaebum defended the vegetable.

„Tasty? If satan had children they would be cucumbers", Youngjae crossed his arms while he leaned back in his seat.

„Okay, what about tomatoes?"

"They are okay, like the neighbors next door who you wave at when you see them in the hallway but don't bother to learn their names"

"So you're saying your neighbors are tomatoes?"

"Yes, except for the old woman upstairs. She's definitely a cucumber, I can't stand her"

Jaebum couldn't hold his laughter back anymore and Youngjae joined in.

"What am I?", Jaebum asked once he sobered up, wiping the tears that rolled down his cheeks away.

Youngjae thought for a minute. It was hard thinking of a vegetable when Jaebum stared directly at him.

"You're not a vegetable, you're sweet"

The man across from him blushed at the compliment, if it even was one.

"So I'm a fruit?", he asked.


"That's good to know, fruits are way better than vegetables"

The younger agreed immediately.

After a while they decided to clean everything up so they could watch a movie later.

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