Chapter 26

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Jaebum sprinted down the stairs, nearly slipping but he could luckily hold his balance. He didn't spend too much time recovering from the shock of nearly falling and continued with his fast pace. How far could Youngjae have come?

When he got out the cold wind surprised him. He knew it was cold but he clearly underestimated it. Jaebum let out a loud curse as he couldn't see Youngjae anywhere near. The fact scared him since the younger was completely wasted and what if he fell over somewhere? Or blacked out? Jaebum couldn't forgive himself if something happened to him.

"Youngjae!", he screamed from the top of his lungs. No answer, not that he expected one.

He kept yelling for the other till he reached an open field. There on the ground was a figure lying, not moving. Jaebum could feel his blood run cold and it wasn't because of the freezing wind. He gripped the coat he still held in his hand tighter and ran towards the dark mass.

As he reached it he kneeled down in the wet grass, not caring that his clothes would get dirty. He took a better look and a wave of relief washed over him as he saw that it was indeed Youngjae, his eyes closed but breathing loudly.

"Youngjae?", he whispered and slightly touched the younger on the shoulder.

The male jumped up in surprise and fear. He didn't hear the older approaching him. His heartbeat didn't calm down when he looked at Jaebum, no, if anything it increased.

Jaebum tried to reach for him but he dodged his hand.

"Don't touch me", He hissed and backed away, nearly falling over in the process. The fresh air helped to sober him up a bit but he was still unsteady on his legs.

Jeabum ignored Youngjae and grabbed his hand so he wouldn't hit the ground.

"Youngjae, listen to m-"

"Go away!", Youngjae cried, he didn't want to see him. He didn't want to think about him. He didn't want anything right now.


"Just leave me alone", he wriggled his hand out of JB's grip but the other wouldn't have any of it.

"Go back to Jinyoung", Youngjae whispered and it was clear that his anger crumbled and turned into sadness. His voice was barely audible and shaky.

"Youngjae-", Jaebum tried again but he got interrupted.

"No wonder you didn't like me", Youngjae sniffed, he was close to crying, "I actually thought we got closer, was that just to mess with me too? Do you want to break me? Is that all part of a sick revenge? If that's the case then please, hit me, punch me all you want but don't mess with my mind and heart"

Jaebum watched the other ramble, his heart shattering with every word that left his mouth. No, this wasn't the plan. He didn't want to hurt him. He had thought it would be better to keep it a secret.

Apparently he was wrong.

Before he could say something Youngjae began to talk again.

"I can't say I don't understand you at least a little bit. Heck, I would be pissed too if I were you. What I don't understand is why you didn't say anything when I told you about my past, why you kept silent", he trailed off at the end. Saying it more to himself than to JB.

Jaebum let go of his hand and Youngjae waited, hoping JB would say something, anything.

But he didn't.

Youngjae turned away with a disappointed frown on his face, hugging his arms around him but it didn't help to soothe the coldness that was biting on his revealed skin. He started to walk away and that's when Jaebum got out of his trance.

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