Chapter 1

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"Have you called our new client yet?", Jaebum asked while he shrugged his coat off and lazily threw it over his office chair before he sat down.

"Good morning to you too, Jeajae. Did you sleep well?", Yugyeom replied with a hint of mock in his voice.

Jaebum looked up from his computer and raised an eyebrow at the younger.

„Yes I called him, he wants to meet this week to discuss how we will promote his new product and asked when you'd be available to do so."

„I already checked your agenda," came a third voice, „tomorrow you have to meet with Mr. Pak but as far as I saw there won't be anything coming up for you afterwards."

The voice belonged to no other than Jackson who had entered the office room. He was dressed in an expensive looking suit since he had a presentation in the afternoon.

Jaebum leaned back in his chair and couldn't fight the small smile that formed on his face. He was grateful to have his two best friends working with him.

„Thank you, both of you."

„Shut it, you're making me blush," Jackson brushed it off and took a sip of the coffee Jaebum had bought for himself on his way. He didn't say anything as Jackson emptied the whole cup without a single drop left for Jaebum.

„I really needed that", The blond muttered as he threw the now empty coffee away.

„Seems like it", Yugyeom remarked with a small chuckle as he noticed the small frown on Jaebum's face.

„That was my coffee", he mumbled and looked at Jackson who only shrugged.

„It wasn't that good so I basically did you a favor."

Jaebum shook his head before he waved both of them out, saying he had to focus on some papers. The other two shuffled out of the door and silence filled the room.

Jaebum opened his desk drawers and searched for a folder he needed.

Once highschool was over Jaebum went to college and after he graduated his father helped him get a job at one of the best PR agencies in Korea. After five long years of hard work the old CEO retired and offered Jaebum his position since the old man didn't have any children he could pass it on. Of course Jaebum had to prove himself worthy of it and worked even harder and more than before. Needless to say he got the position at the end.

Not long after he asked his two best friends, Jackson and Yugyeom, if they were interested in working with him. He didn't just ask them because they were friends but because they both were perfect for PR.

Jackson was never lost of words and had his ways of making people love him with his charms. Yugyeom was a bright mind and helped Jaebum a lot with writing the scripts for Jackson. Together they made an excellent team. Of course they had a lot of other employees too but it was no secret that these three were the most important ones.

Jaebum studied the statistics in front of him. The product they had to promote was a new type of coffee. The problem was that Mr. Jung, the founder of the coffee brand, hadn't had much success in the last months. They needed to fix that.

Jaebum started writing down some notes and ideas that he wanted to discuss later on with the other two.

After more or less an hour his door flew open and Yugyeom entered. They didn't bother knocking anymore.

"Post is here!" He shouted excitedly.

The younger dumped the stack of envelopes on Jaebum's desk and began sorting threw it.

"You couldn't do that at your own place?" Jaebum asked, clearly irritated that his work got interrupted.

"There's no fun in doing it alone and Jackson is busy", Yugyeom mumbled absentmindedly.

Jaebum sighed defeated and took a few envelopes to go through them himself.

"Look at that! We got some new applications!" Yugyeom beamed with excitement.

"We don't need new employees, we managed good enough like this."

„Yadda, yadda", Yugyeom dismissed Jaebum's remark, „you could use a secretary."

He had a point. It would have many advantages.

„There's a guy called kunpimook boo whale cool or something."

Jaebum scoffed at his friends poor attempt to pronounce the guy's name. He took the application out of Yugyeom's hand and looked for himself.

Kunpimook Bhuwakul.

He had to admit that the man looked very charismatic on the picture. He also got good grades and was around the same age as Yugyeom. Jaebum decided that they could at least give him a try. Maybe someone new would freshen everything up.

As Jaebum eyed his friend again he noticed that Yugyeom stopped to stare wide eyes at one application.

"What is it?" Jaebum wanted to know.

"N-Nothing, I'll be going then. I'm gonna write Mr. Bhuwakul that we would be glad to speak with him in person", Yugyeom turned to leave hastily, a strong grip on the papers.

Before he could leave though, Jaebum grabbed his wrist and tried to sneak a glance at whatever the younger one was hiding.

"Jaebum-", Yugyeom called but it was too late, Jaebum had already freed the folder from his hands.

The sight was something Jaebum never thought he would see.

The application belonged to Choi Youngjae.

"This is going to be fun."

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