Chapter 17

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The next day Youngjae went to work sooner than usual. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who had planned on doing so.

"Good morning", Youngjae said as he saw his boss standing in front of him, blocking the entrance to his office.

"Good morning"

Youngjae wanted to ask JB if he could kindly move but closed his mouth immediately again. Did he just say good morning back?

"What?", Jaebum grew nervous under Youngjae's gaze that wouldn't leave him. The younger didn't even notice how intensely he was probably staring at JB.

"Are you still drunk?", he asked.


"You sure?"


Youngjae squinted at him. Was JB sick? Maybe.

„You just gonna stare at me or actually do something?"

Ahh there he was again, the sarcastic bastard Youngjae knew.

Youngjae didn't want to push his luck and ask if he was feeling any better although he was curious. Jaebum looked more tired than usual and he even greeted him today, which was extremely weird.

Slowly he walked over to his desk after Jaebum had gone to his own office. He really needed to stop worrying about Jaebum. For all he knew the latter hated him so why should he care?

But the dark circles under his eyes didn't look healthy at all. Did something happen the next day after the club? Youngjae couldn't help but wonder.

After an hour JB called for Youngjae.

He knocked before he entered. „Yeah boss?"

„About the preparation you did for our new-"

Immediately the younger ducked his head expecting to get scolded for doing something wrong and only heard the last sentence again.

"It's not all bad"

Youngjae's head shot up in surprise. He knew it wasn't the best compliment, if it even was, but this sentence coming from Jaebum felt special to him.

"Although there are still a lot of mistakes", Jaebum continued and burst Youngjae's small bubble of happiness.

He hung his head low again and went over to his boss to ask him if he could go over the papers one more time.


"Please let me correct them"

"Don't interrupt me"

"I'm sorry"

Jaebum sighed and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. Youngjae would lie if he said he didn't notice how tight it hugged his upper arm like that.

"No you can't go over them again because we'll do it together."

He didn't know what to respond, or if he should even respond since it wasn't a question so he just kept quiet and waited for JB to continue.

"I realized I can't be mad if you do something wrong when I never showed you how to do it right in the first place"

Youngjae was still silent.

"Come on then, take a chair and we'll begin with PR for dummies", Jaebum grinned but it didn't quite reach his eyes. It looked forced but Youngjae didn't notice. JB rolled his chair a bit to the left to make sure Youngjae had enough space. He then proceeded to sort the papers on his desk while Youngjae still stood there frozen in place.

Just as Jaebum kept looking at him expectantly he realized that he should finally move. Hastily he took the nearest chair and carried it over. He sat down as far from JB as he could with still being able to see everything the other did, not feeling comfortable when the other acted so nice all of a sudden. It was just strange when he was sober. While he was drunk Youngjae could blame it on the alcohol but now JB's behavior was extremely suspicious for the younger.

Jaebum of course realized that but didn't comment on it since he, for once, didn't want to make the other uncomfortable.

"Alright, you see? When you put it like that the people who read it won't know if it's.....", Jaebum went on explaining how and what he should do better. Youngjae nodded along trying his best to follow but the other was talking so passionately about it that Youngjae often zoomed out and just watched him talk. He had to remind himself that he should listen.

He really wanted to learn this.

" got that?", his boss asked.

"It's logical when you explain it"

Jaebum nodded, trying not to smile at what he supposed was a compliment.

It wasn't exactly the best situation for him either though. He still had to get used to the whole 'being nice' thing but he thought that this was a pretty good start.

"Can we go over that one more time?", Youngjae questioned just to make sure he really got it right. His voice was unsure, like he was afraid Jaebum would decline and call him stupid.

"Of course"

Over the time Youngjae also moved a bit closer with his chair, he didn't actually realized that he did it till he was basically next to Jaebum. The atmosphere around the two was still somewhat stiff and impersonal but nothing compared to the tension they had last week.

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