Chapter 28

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It was Monday morning and as Jaebum had promised Youngjae he bought him a coffee. He thanked the barista as he received his order and continued his way to the office building.

He was excited to see the younger today even though he didn't know why. Maybe it was the feeling of relief that Youngjae finally knew everything.

Maybe something else but who knew?

Youngjae had kindly left his coat yesterday so Jaebum wasn't cold as he walked through the busy streets. The hot cups in his hands helped warming him too.

He greeted his friends before he took the lift to his office. Youngjae wasn't behind his desk and a frown crept up on Jaebum's face. Confused he pushed his own office door open to reveal the man he was searching for.

Youngjae looked up at him with a blinding smile that had JB immediately grinning back.

"Good morning, I hope you don't mind but I thought it would be easier to just work here since we've been practically doing that for the past week", he said, suddenly unsure if JB would like the idea.

„Yeah, of course," he said and Youngjae smiled at him, „I bought you a coffee"

JB held the still warm cup out for the younger to take. Their fingers brushed together as Youngjae took it but neither of them commented on it, not thinking too much about it.

„I was only joking when I said that", he mumbled shyly.

„Then see it as a gift"

„Thank you"

They worked for the next hour in silence till Youngjae let out a small yelp, startling Jaebum. He had forgotten that he had something for the other.

„What is it?", the older asked confused.

„Can I play some music?"

Jaebum watched him in confusion, the other seemed oddly eager but he nodded and told him to play his music before he concentrated on his work again.

Youngjae grinned as he scrolled through his phone and when he found what he was looking for he kept watching Jaebum excitedly. The older didn't notice since he had his head down and was busy going through the papers.

When the first few seconds of the song played he slowly looked up at Youngjae.

„Is- Is that knock knock?"

Youngjae nodded furiously. „Yes! I made a playlist for you"

Jaebum blinked.

For him?

„How... how do you know which songs I like?"

At that the other seemed slightly embarrassed. He scratched his neck and chuckled awkwardly.

„Well, over the time I noticed what songs you especially seemed to enjoy and put them all together"

A grin spread across Jaebum's features. He wasn't aware that Youngjae paid that much attention to him.

„Don't worry I have Lu too", Youngjae giggled as he switched to the next song.

Jaebum threw a pencil at him.


„You deserve it", Jaebum grumble but he wasn't actually mad, he thought it was incredibly sweet what Youngjae had done. 

„So cute", he mumbled and saw a smirk on Youngjae's face. He didn't mean to say that out loud.

„What was that?", he asked.

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