Chapter 18

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"Boss, I'll go now", Youngjae called out. It was already an hour after the time he'd usually leave but today was especially busy.

When he heard a quiet 'goodbye' from JB the younger left the office. On his way down he spotted Jackson and Yugyeom talking to Bambam. Youngjae cursed his bad luck, that was exactly what he tried to avoid the whole week.

He put his coat collar up and tried to sneak away without being seen. Or so he hoped.

"Youngjae!", Bambam yelled excitedly.

Youngjae suppressed a groan. He turned around and flashed Bambam a fake smile. "Yes?"

"Wanna grab something to drink with us?", Yugyeom shot Bambam a glare but only received a slap on his shoulder from the slightly older.

"No, thanks", Youngjae mumbled over his shoulder and began to walk again. Sadly he didn't see Jaebum coming from this direction and bumped unceremoniously into the older. Both of them fell on the cool ground.

Jaebum whined as he tried to sit up again.

"Idiot, watch where you're going!" Jackson yelled from behind.

"I'm so so sorr-"

"It's alright, it can happen"

Jaebum's sentence shook everyone in the room, even Bambam. Jackson and Yugyeom blinked like idiots as they tried to process what he had just said while Youngjae just stared at him, mouth slightly opened.

With a sigh JB stood up and held his hand out for Youngjae to take. As Youngjae's hand touched JB's the older tightened his grip and pulled the younger up.

Youngjae wiped some dust off his clothes, when he looked up to thank JB no words would leave his mouth. The other had a pair of round glasses on which Youngjae was sure weren't there this morning and also his hair wasn't styled up anymore, probably from driving his hands through it often. It all looked so familiar that Youngjae wanted to scream. He couldn't shake the feeling off that he had seen the other once before. It was like knowing a word in a foreign language but not knowing how translate it into your native language.

"The least you could do is say thank you", Yugyeom said harshly as he walked towards his friend, making sure the other wasn't hurt anywhere.

"Thank you", Youngjae whispered embarrassed. He was he so distracted by Jaebum's appearance that he totally forgot it.

"No need, are you hurt?", Jaebum asked. He just did it because his back is hurting from the impact and didn't want Youngjae to have the same.

"I'm fine", he assured him, confused as to why JB would care.

Jeabum nodded and faced his three friends, laying an arm around Yugyeom. "Can we go or does someone have to get something from their office first?"

Youngjae took that as his cue to leave. Before he could walk out the door something Jackson said caught his attention.

"Aw bummie you look just as squishy as you did back in highschool"

Youngjae simply shrugged the weird feeling he got off and made his way towards the bus stop. Too tired to think too much about it.

"Stupid Youngjae, just walking into y-"

"It's my fault too, Yugyeom. I didn't look where I was going either"

The youngest of them squinted his eyes at Jaebum. What was up with him?

"Did you get soft?"

Jaebum clapped his hands together, telling everyone to get ready to leave. It was a poor attempt at ignoring Yugyeom's question.

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