Chapter 5

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Three hours passed and Youngjae felt like crying. The piles wouldn't get smaller because his boss kept bringing more and more and every time he did he would scold Youngjae for being too slow.

It was extremely frustrating.

Jaebum on the other hand enjoyed it immensely. He chuckled every time the other groaned when he did something wrong.

„Youngjae?",he yelled and a moment later the man in question appeared at the doorway.

„Yes, JB?"

„Employees aren't allowed to call me that, it's either boss or CEO", Jaebum reminded him and Youngjae lowered his head, apologizing quietly for his mistake.

Of course it was a lie, everyone called him JB or Jaebum but he wanted to see how long it would take for Youngjae to realize that too.

"Could you bring that to Yugyeom?", he asked but it sounded more like a command to Youngjae.

The other nodded and took the paper from Jaebum's hand.

On his way down he looked a bit closer at the paper. It was a flyer for coffee but it didn't look very appealing in Youngjae's opinion. The colors were too bright, something in pastel colors would be better for a coffee but he was too afraid to tell anyone that.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find Yugyeom?", he asked another employe since he had no idea who he is or where he worked.

"You must be Youngjae, I'm new here too", the man said and Youngjae smiled at him.

"Yes I am, nice to meet you", he was glad at least someone was nice to him that day.

"I'm Kunpimook but everyone calls me Bambam"

After they introduced themselves Bambam told Youngjae to follow him since he knew where Yugyeom was.

"So what's your job here?", Bambam tried to make small talk.

"I'm the CEO's secretary, you?"

"Wow, man. I've heard he's pretty cool, you're lucky. I'll do the presentations since Yugyeom told me I would be perfect to sell products to people."

Youngjae could understand why. Bambam had something special around him when he talked that made people listen to him, besides he was extremely good looking so that was a plus.

They continued to talk on their way and Youngjae thought that Bambam was a really nice person. Maybe they could become friends.

"Here we are, I better get going now and do my own job", Bambam chuckled and waved at Youngjae before he disappeared again.

Youngjae knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in."

He opened the door but stopped in his tracks as he saw the guy that had ran into him this morning sitting on a chair.

So that was Yugyeom.

„What is it?" he asked harshly and Youngjae wondered what his problem was.

„Jae- I mean boss told me to bring you this", he shuffled over to him and handed him the flyer.

„No, no, no", Yugyeom mumbled as he inspected it. Reluctantly Yugyeom decided to ask Youngjae for his opinion since he didn't want to bother Jackson.

„It looks wrong, don't you think?"

Youngjae wasn't sure if the question was directed at him and turned his head to see if someone else was behind him.

"Yes, I'm talking to you", Yugyeom watched him with raised eyebrows.

"Well, uhm-"

"If you don't have any ideas you can go"

Youngjae may be new here but he didn't understand why they were so rude towards him. First JB and now this guy.

He stood up a little straighter before he talked again.

"Actually I think it's too bright, some pastel colors would look more welcoming and approachable than an aggressive yellow."

Yugyeom thought about it, he had a point.

"But would people even notice it then?", he asked.

"Yes, when the flyer is next to colorful surroundings it will be more noticeable."

"I'll think about it, you can go now", Yugyeom waved him away.

Once Youngjae was outside again he scoffed, did he do something wrong?


But what?

Thinking about it wouldn't help him so he decided to continue with his previous task.

Youngjae even skipped meals today because he wanted to finish the papers faster.

Jaebum didn't comment on it as he passed Youngjae to grab lunch with his friends. Frankly he didn't care about it.

"So how's working next to Youngjae?", Jackson asked as he munched down on his sandwich.

"Pretty uneventful so far", Jaebum admitted, picking on his own food.

"I thought you'd be happy to boss him around?"

"Oh believe me, I am."

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