Chapter 16

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"You fucking idiot! Where the hell were you last night? I swear to god now that I know you're alive I'll kill y-"

"Jackson please be quiet", Jaebum felt like his head was a piñata and small children were hitting it mercilessly. A fuming Jackson wasn't helping either.

"My head hurts too, dumbass. Can you imagine how worried we were? Youngjae wasn't there either and when he got i back to pick up Mark and Jinyoung he told us he had brought you home and Yugyeom, Bambam and I shared a taxi!"

"I'm sorry Jackson, I really am", Jaebum mumbled disappointed at himself. How could he forget to tell his friends that he had gotten home safely?

His friend sighed and plopped down next to Jaebum on the sofa.
It was still early in the morning because Jackson didn't waste any time to come and scold the older as soon as he woke up. Jackson looked hangover too and Jaebum felt even guiltier seeing his friend yelling even though he must have a bad headache.

"Should I bring you painkillers?"

Jackson nodded.

Jaebum stood up and went over to the kitchen. A small note and three pills laid on the counter. Curious he read it.

Your head must hurt, I hope these are the right ones

A smile graced Jaebum's features as he reread the note. Could it be that maybe Youngjae did change after all this time? Jaebum would see for himself.

"Are you coming?"

"Yes, sorry", quickly JB grabbed the three pills and a bottle of water from the fridge before he went back to the blond.

"Thank you", he mumbled as he took them out of Jaebum's hand and swallowed one, leaving the other two for Jaebum.

As Jeabum questioned him why he didn't take one more, he told him that since it was basically Jaebum's first time being hangover he should have two. So he wouldn't be ‚grumpy' all day. But Jackson just didn't want JB to have a bad headache.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Jaebum spoke again.

"How was it with Mark, Wangkong?"

Jackson laughed, promising himself he'd call his band members tomorrow, maybe they could become actual friends.

"You're just jealous that I'm part of Big Byung"

"Darn it, you're right", Jaebum chuckled.

"Mark was really nice but it's funny"


„How come they didn't recognize at least Yugyeom and me? I'm seriously concerned about their memory"

Jaebum never thought about that, it was weird that no one remembered them. Yes sure, they all had changed a lot and many years had passed but still, were they so unimportant that everyone forgot them? At the beginning Jaebum was happy that Youngjae was so oblivious but now he felt hurt, realizing that his first love probably never looked at him too long or else he would know that it was him by now.

„Don't think too much about it, let's eat something"

„I'd rather puke again", Just the thought of eating anything made Jaebum sick.

"Yadda yadda, you need something and later on we'll go to Yugyeom and interrogate him about Bambam", his friend seemed so eager that Jaebum found himself nodding in agreement, not wanting to disappoint him.

After their short visit at Yugyeom's Jackson brought Jaebum home again. The older felt a bit better now that he knew all his friends were alright and healthy.

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