Chapter 12

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"God dammit, what the hell happened to my head?", Yugyeom complained as soon as the first rays of sunlight woke him up. Still with his eyes closed he grabbed what he thought was his pillow expect that it was strangely warm.... and breathing?

"That's my shoulder you're drooling on. Take me on a date first, then we can cuddle", his pillow said. Actually it was Jackson but Yugyeom didn't budge, he kept hugging him.

"When did you get so heavy?", Jackson groaned which made Yugyeom flinch.

"Keep your voice down, my head feels like it got shredded into a jigsaw puzzle that then got glued together only to be shaken up again"

"Poor you, but why are you at my place? I thought I left you at Jaebum's?"



"You're both at my place, idiots", a third voice yelled from the kitchen. Jaebum was preparing coffee for the three of them and also some painkillers for the youngest. Maybe they shouldn't have hit his head so often against various objects but now it was too late.

Jackson jumped up from the couch, quickly apologizing to Yugyeom that had fallen down because of the fast movement. He then went over and hugged Jaebum from behind.

"Thanks for letting us stay"

Jaebum tried to wriggle out of his grasp but complied as Yugyeom joined the hug.

"It's funny how you seem so grumpy but in reality your the biggest cutie patootie", Yugyeom whispered and received a slap from JB.

"That's enough human contact for a whole year, please let go" (HA! ME)

Chuckling his best friends did as told and waited at the table for their coffee and Jaebum handed Yugyeom the painkillers.

After JB explained to them why both were here (leaving the head bumping out of course, no need to anger the younger any further) the two at least weren't confused anymore.

"Since we're all here why won't we do something together?" Jackson happily asked.

Jaebum agreed, they all could use a rest after they had worked so hard.

"Why won't we watch some good old Disney movies?"

"Yugyeom, how can you still be such a child?"

"You're never too old for Disney"

"You've got a point"

Long story short they were now huddled either on or around the sofa watching the lion king.

"Jackson are you crying?"

"What?" He sniffed, "I'm not crying, you're crying"

Jaebum laughed and continued to watch the movie, it was the scene were Mufasa died. The older put an arm around his crying friend in an attempt to comfort him. Jackson gladly leaned in and let his gaze drift to the TV again.

After the second movie Yugyeom's phone started to ring and he quickly excused himself, a pink blush gracing his cheeks.

"What's up with him?", Jaebum asked curious.

Jackson, who was as cheerful as ever again, wiggled his eyebrows.

"Bambam called him"

Jaebum nodded knowingly. To be honest it got extremely awkward to watch Yugyeom and 'daddy long legs' dance around each other. It was obvious to everyone at work that the two grew close after 5 weeks of working together so why couldn't they?

But Jaebum knew that rushing Yugyeom into admitting anything wasn't the right thing to do. The younger would confess at his own time and so it should be.

"Guys listen up!"

Speaking of the devil, he came jumping back into the living room and plopped flat down on the sofa, a dopey grin plastered on his face.

"Bambam invited us to a club opening today, can we go?"

"You don't have to ask if you can go, you're old enough", Jaebum stated as a matter of fact. He didn't feel like going but that didn't mean his friends couldn't.

"You sure he his?", Jackson's received a kick from Yugyeom.

"Please Jaebum, come with us?", Yugyeom pleased and Jackson mustered up his best puppy eyes.

Jaebum wanted to decline but looking into his friends eyes, he couldn't. With a sigh Jaebum finally agreed. What could go wrong, right?


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