Chapter 15

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"Did you- did you just call me cute?"

Jaebum's eyes widened in shook as he put his hand over his mouth to prevent him from saying more things he'd regret later on. He did say cute, didn't he?

"No?", Jaebum applauded himself mentally for his smart answer. Of course Youngjae was to some extend really cute, nothing had changed there, but he never planned on saying that out loud, yet alone to his face.

"I think I should do the sleep", Jaebum sighed, already putting his head on the table. It was a poor attempt at changing the topic but just thinking about the other was exhausting in his opinion.

Do the sleep? Youngjae had to help the poor guy.

"Come on up", he sighed.

Jaebum squinted at Youngjae.

"I don't wanna throw up"

"I said come on up, not throw up",  Youngjae smiled a bit at the older. Who would have thought that Jaebum could be so stupid and... sweet. Well, he was drunk but nonetheless it counted.

Jaebum mumbled something that sounded like 'more sense' and stood up on wobbly legs. Immediately Youngjae came rushing towards him and put Jaebum's arm around his own shoulders, trying to support the other.

"I'll bring you home, is that alright?"

Jaebum's eyes got big.

"But your friends!", he whisper shouted, "they need a drive too!"

Youngjae was touched by his concern. It was nice knowing that Jaebum already cared about Mark and Jinyoung.

It would be nice if he cared about me too, Youngjae thought bitterly.

"I'll pick them up later, they seem to enjoy it here"

Indeed they did. Mark and Jackson somehow ended up with switched shirts, not that they seemed to mind though, Yugyeom and Bambam were dancing close to each other and looked like they had the time of their life while Jinyoung was back at it again with the peanuts. He must have stolen them from a table only to throw them at Yugyeom. The youngest often threw him annoyed looks but Bambam made sure Yugyeom would only look at him.

Youngjae was amazed Yugyeom and Jinyoung hadn't killed each other yet.

"Oksie, lead the way captain Jae", Jaebum saluted.

"Were you always such a weird drunk?", Youngjae asked as they pushed their way through the crowd of sweating people. Both of them grimaced in disgust.

"When I was your age-"

"You're not that much older", Youngjae interrupted him with an eye roll.

"Lemme talk will you? When I was your age I never drank", Jaebum slurred.

Youngjae stopped walking which made Jaebum bump into him. He wobbled a little bit Youngjae's grip helped him to steady himself. After a quick 'sorry' Youngjae talked again. He didn't expect that answer. He thought Jaebum would be the typical guy who got drunk in highschool, college parties and later on with his friends in a bar.

"So it's your first time being drunk?"

Jaebum only shrugged his shoulders, obviously embarrassed he had admitted it although Youngjae didn't see why he would feel like that.

Finally they got out of the stuffed place and the cool air hit them, making both shiver.

"Remember when you told me to throw up?", Jaebum asked and only now Youngjae noticed how pale the other was. He hadn't been able to see it with the bright and flashing lights before.

"I didn't tell you to throw up", he corrected once again.

"But it seems quite peachy now"

Before the younger could react Jaebum wrestled himself out of his grip and ran as fast as he could on his unstable legs to the next free spot and puked.

Jaebum looked so helpless that Youngjae forgot that he usually would turn away in disgust at the sight of vomit and kneeled down next to Jaebum.

„Don't look at me, I'm disgusting", Jaebum croaked out before he had to vomit again. Why did he have to do that in front of Youngjae? It wouldn't have been a problem if it was Jackson or Yugyeom. He simply felt ashamed now

He was so occupied with scolding himself that he didn't notice Youngjae sitting down next to him.

"You're not disgusting, don't ever say that", he whispered and rubbed small circles on Jaebum's back while he waited till the other was feeling better. The words made Jaebum look up in surprise. He lifted his head a little too fast and everything went spinning.

Again he puked.

Youngjae had to look away, fighting with the urge to vomit himself. But he wouldn't leave JB's side.

After ten minutes Jaebum felt ready to stand up and walk again. Youngjae extended his hand for him to take and together they went towards the younger's car.

"I think that sobered me up a bit", Jaebum mumbled as soon as he put his seat belt on. He leaned his head back and kept his eyes closed since he didn't want the nausea to return, which also meant that he didn't see the small smile on Youngjae's face.

„What a pity, you were quite amusing", to bad your an asshole when you're sober, Youngjae added in his head.

„Shut it"

Youngjae chuckled and Jaebum opened his eyes to look at the man next to him.

„I've always liked your laugh the most"


The other didn't answer.

What did Jaebum mean? Youngjae guessed he was just talking gibberish and decided to ignore it although he was confused and curious. Jaebum was especially cryptic tonight, first his statement about Youngjae never saying anything and now this.

„Hey! Don't fall asleep!", Youngjae scolded the older that was dozing off. That's why he didn't answer. He tried to hit his shoulder but missed since Youngjae had to keep his eyes on the road and accidentally hit Jaebum's face lightly.

„I'm awake! No need to punch me!"

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!", Youngjae repeated over and over again.

"Fucker", Jaebum mumbled and Youngjae would have been hurt if it hadn't been for the small smile on the other's face.

"I need your address"

Jaebum told him and they continued to drive in silence. While they did Youngjae had time to think about what was going on.

He was driving his drunk boss, who hated him, to his house and actually had a decent conversation with him for the first time.

Youngjae was happy about the fact that he did some progress with JB. But he also knew that he shouldn't get his hopes up. Just because the other decided to be nice for once didn't mean it would stay that way. Nor did it mean that Youngjae would forgive JB that easily for what he had done to him in the past weeks.

Not late afterwards Youngjae and Jaebum stumbled into the older's house and Youngjae told him to get ready for bed. He complied and Youngjae began to search for painkillers, he was sure Jaebum would need them the next morning.

As soon as Jaebum was tucked into bed Youngjae quietly left, not wanting to disturb him while the other tried to fall asleep.

Just when the door to his bedroom closed Jaebum whispered a small 'thank you' but Youngjae couldn't hear it.

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