Chapter 24

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"Do I look good? I don't look good. Should I change? I think I should change"

"First thing you should do is shut up", Jackson laughed as he watched JB having a small breakdown in front of the mirror. They were all getting ready at the older's place to go to Youngjae's and Jaebum was apparently really nervous.

"You look good, hella good if I might say so", he reassured his friend.

"Maybe the blue shirt was bett-"

"If you change one more time I'll personally kill you", the youngest entered the room with a bottle of water in his hand. He took a sip of it and offered one to JB who gladly took it.

"I don't even know why you're making such a big fuss over it. It's just Youngjae", Jackson squinted his eyes as he realized something, "It's Youngjae!"

JB nearly choked on the water and he coughed awkwardly before he said something. "Don't be stupid, I want to apologize to his friends, that's all I'm stressing about"

"Yeah yeah," Yugyeom took the water bottle out of JB's grip, he didn't deserve another sip because of his lies, "Don't think we didn't notice how much time you've been spending with him"

"I do not"

Did he? He couldn't deny that he was often working together with the younger in the same room and since the park they even got closer, as in they now have the other's number and maybe they did text often in the last few days but did he spend much time with him?

Okay, yeah, he obviously did.

And yeah, maybe Jaebum thought that the other was very kind and funny but nothing more.

...and he still had a beautiful laugh.

"You've always been a bad liar but we don't have time to argue about that", Yugyeom clapped his hands together, "Let's go!"

The three made a short stop at Bambam's who was already waiting for them outside. The cold weather tinted his cheeks with a red color and his hair was messy from the wind. The smile that broke out on Yugyeom's face made JB feel happy for them. It looked so genuine and the way Bambam smiled back was just as lovely and heartwarming. Bambam hopped into the car and pressed a quick kiss to his boyfriend's cheek.

"You two are so cute I think I need to puke", Jackson groaned and started the motor of his car again.

Bambam sticked his tongue out, the shyness from a few days ago was nearly completely gone and he openly held Yugyeom's hand and showered him with affection even when people were watching them. The youngest gladly returned the favor.

"Jackson do you think that we maybe could go to my place one more time to-", Jaebum asked but was rudely interrupted.


"You don't know what I wanted to ask you"

"We can't turn around so you can change your shirt for the tenth time"

Jaebum grumbled in his seat, picking on the shirt he was currently wearing. He should have just worn a simple pullover then he wouldn't have to worry about anything. Theoretically he didn't have to worry at all but he couldn't help it.

He openly admitted that he wanted Youngjae to like him (as a friend).

"Is Jinyoung going to be there too?", it came from the backseat.

"Of course, they share an apartment", Jaebum remembered Youngjae telling him.

Yugyeom cursed but he didn't really mean it. They all knew he secretly enjoyed teasing the other when they were at the bar.

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