Chapter 10

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„So hou wath your fay so far?", Mark asked with a full mouth. It wasn't very appealing to look at.

„Alright", It wasn't a complete lie, he had had worse days. His friend saw through his half lie immediately though.

Mark swallowed down the last bite of his food before he started talking again and Youngjae was grateful for that.

„You don't look good, Youngjae"

„Oh wow, thanks. Better say it directly to my face than behind my back", Youngjae grumbled.

The other rolled his eyes. „You know what I mean"

Yes, Youngjae knew but that didn't mean he had to answer or talk about it. He just wanted to enjoy his meal with his best friend and maybe forget about work for just an hour.

„Can we talk about something else?"

The other didn't look satisfied with his reply but he also knew that Youngjae would tell them if it got too hard for him to handle.


The other smiled thankfully at Mark.

"There's this new club opening Jinyoung wants to go to", Mark continued but was rudely interrupted by a choking Youngjae.

"Our Jinyoung wants to go clubbing?"

"Well, yes. He isn't dead you know?"

"Yeah, I guess you're have a point", Youngjae coughed, "when is it?"

"Saturday, that means in three days."

"I'm in", The other replied. Maybe it will distract him from work.

"Of course you are, do you want to invite someone from your office too? Jaebum seemed nice and I wouldn't have anything against blond and handsome"

It was in that moment that Youngjae realized he never told Mark that he got bullied by exactly those people he thought of as nice. He didn't want to Mark to worry about him like he did back in highschool so he kept quiet about that fact.

He hummed and pretended to think about it, "We haven't done anything in a while now, can't it just be the three of us?"

"Of course", Mark said fondly. It was adorable that Youngjae wanted to spend time with them alone.

They continued to chat a bit more till Youngjae remembered something.

"Don't you think JB looks familiar?" It frustrated Youngjae that no matter how hard he tried to think about where he had seen him before nothing would come to his mind. Mark too looked now extremely concentrated with his brows furrowed.

"Maybe you saw him once in a restaurant or something?", he suggested but no, that wasn't it.

"I don't think so."

After that it was sadly Youngjae's time to go again. They hugged as a goodbye before both went their own ways.

As Youngjae stepped into his office, loud music was coming from Jaebum's closed doors.

At first Youngjae didn't want to complain but the fucker turned the volume higher so that it was practically impossible for him to get anything done correctly.

With a groan that was swallowed by the sound of Bang Bang Bang he stood up, his chair nearly falling over in the process and went over to JB's room.

He didn't expect his boss to be dancing in his room alone nor that he wasn't even bad at it. Youngjae cursed himself for not being able to avert his eyes from Jaebum's backside. It wasn't his fault really, the other wore an especially tight shirt that day.

"Bang Bang Bang!" Jaebum screamed over the music and a small laugh left Youngjae who had been silently watching till now. With wide eyes JB spun around, his cheeks heating up a little as he saw the other man. He hastily paused the music and brushed his hair out of his face that had fallen down as he danced around and bounced his head.

"I didn't expect you to be here so soon", he admitted.

"Work started twenty minutes ago", Youngjae raised an eyebrow, shouldn't the CEO know something like that?

"Huh, it did?"

A nod from Youngjae.

"Then why aren't you working?"

With a deep sigh the other tried to stay calm and collected. It was Jaebum's fault, the the music had been too distracting for Youngjae.

"I wanted to kindly tell you to tune the volume down a bit"

"It's off now so you can just wush wush", his boss waved him out and closed the door in front of Youngjae's face.

„Did he just say wush wush when he wanted me to leave?", Youngjae muttered to no one in particular as he walked over to his desk.

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