Chapter 23

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After the five ate dinner they went back to work. Youngjae didn't know why or how but Jackson and Yugyeom were extremely nice throughout the whole lunch break, they even apologized for being so rude towards him. Youngjae couldn't help but think that Jaebum had something to do with it.

When the two reached the office after their break, Jaebum held the door open for the younger.

"Thank you", he said as he slipped past him and JB waved him off, saying it wasn't a problem.

"Would you like to work in my room again? There were some pretty good comebacks and we could listen to them together?", it came out more like a question because JB wasn't sure if Youngjae even liked doing that or if he just stayed with him because he was his boss.


Both were grinning brightly, turning away so the other wouldn't see it.

„I'll just grab my stuff", Youngjae told JB and not twenty seconds later the younger stepped into his office, a pile of paper in his hands.

Jaebum had already put his phone on shuffle and ‚Runaway' by Pentagon softly played.

After ten minutes of working Youngjae just had to ask.

„Did you tell Jackson and Yugyeom to be friendly to me?"

Jaebum coughed.

He could just tell Youngjae that it was them who decided on doing so but he had the feeling the other wouldn't believe him.

„I just told them that you are in fact nice", it wasn't a lie.

„Huh", Youngjae leaned back in his chair before he smiled mischievously, „So i'm nice and cute? I'm flattered"

Jaebum groaned. „You can't just keep reminding me of the cute thing, I was drunk!"

„Aren't drunk words a sober's thoughts?"

„I take it back, you're actually really mean", the older grumbled.

„I'm just kidding", Youngjae laughed, "You're kinda nice too"

"What do you mean 'kinda'?"

"Okay, okay, you're really nice. Happy now?"

Jaebum nodded satisfied. He was glad Youngjae thought that.

"Would you like to come over this weekend? Mark, Jinyoung and I planned on watching a movie again, you can bring Jackson and Yugbam too", Youngjae said nonchalant but deep down he was a little nervous about the other's answer. He wanted to spend a little more time with him out of work and that seemed like the best way.

"Sounds like fun, are you sure Mark and Jinyoung are fine with it though?", JB remembered how angry Mark looked at him at the bar after he had said something rude to Youngjae, he could understand him.


"Then I wou- we'd love to come"

Youngjae looked up and smiled brightly at the older.

So many things had changed... for the better. Not only was Jaebum there for him when he talked about his past, he also treated Youngjae like one of his friends.

"You know what? This is boring", JB exclaimed as he pushed the papers on his desk away from him. Youngjae chuckled since JB was again very much acting like a child.

"It's work, what did you expect?"

Jaebum glares at him in fake annoyance.

Sunshine | 2JaeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora