Chapter 29

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Hugging wasn't anything out of the ordinary for the two now. Three weeks had passed and they were closer than ever. Youngjae practically moved his desk to Jaebum's office and they worked together, hands and shoulders brushing from time to time but neither of them saying anything about it.

Jackson and Yugyeom noticed that too and they were happy for them. Especially Jackson since he couldn't have forgiven himself if their relationship got ruined because he had told Youngjae. It was more of the contrary, it seemed that that brought the two even closer together.

What Youngjae didn't want to admit, not even to himself, was how much those simple touches affected him nowadays.

He didn't suddenly wake up one day and noticed that. No it developed slowly. At the beginning he didn't think all too much about it but now he couldn't help the tingling in his chest whenever Jaebum leaned closer to him in order to explain something, how his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he is passionate about. Youngjae noticed that all. He was sure the other didn't even realize what he was doing.

Except that Jaebum certainly did.

They still had to meet once for dinner though,

"Do you have time this Saturday?", Youngjae asked on Thursday.

"For what?"

"Did you forget that I still owe you dinner at my place?"

Jaebum didn't forget, he was just too afraid to ask the younger if he had really meant it or if it had been a friendly joke. He quickly shook his head, saying that he remembered.

"Would you like to come over then?"

"Of course", why was he so nervous?

The words made Youngjae smile throughout the whole day. Whenever someone asked him why he was so happy he kept quiet. Jaebum realized that too but didn't think it was him who caused the younger to smile so brightly. He wasn't complaining though. He figured out that Youngjae's smile was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen and was glad he was able to witness it the whole day.

Friday seemed to pass in a minute and before they knew it, it was Saturday.

"Jackson dammit! Stop jumping around!", Jaebum groaned frustrated. What did he think asking the other for help with his outfit? He was glad that Yugyeom and Bambam tagged along. At least the Thai took his job seriously.

"I can't! You're all grown up and going on a date! It seems like yesterday when you learned how to walk", the blond squealed, jumping on the bed and hugging the pillows.

"I don't even know if it's a date, besides I'm older than you", Jaebum rolled his eyes but the blush gave him away. He wanted it to be one.

"Oh believe me, it is a date", Yugyeom chuckled and Bambam nodded, throwing clothes on the floor in process of searching for the perfect outfit.

"Here put them on", he gave him a pair of black skinny jeans that looked at least two sizes too small.

"I don't think they will fit", Jaebum commented.

"It should be tight"


"That's perfect!", Bambam yelled, successfully interrupting him.

The item he was holding was an oversized white shirt.

"I use that to sleep"

"Not anymore my friend", Bambam pushed him towards the bathroom so he could change.

Putting the pants on was a challenge but once he was in them he was able to see why Bambam wanted him to wear them. They fitted nicely and together with the white shirt it looked stylish but not like he was trying too hard to look good, at least that's what Yugyeom told him.

Jackson whistled as he saw his friend. "You look fine"

"Now sit back down, I'll do your hair", Bambam ordered as soon as he got out of the bathroom.

JB once again rolled his eyes but sat down so Bambam could begin. After ten minutes and a lot of gel he was finished. The other stepped away to admire his work.

"Wow, I did a fantastic job", he dramatically wiped a nonexistent tear away.

Jaebum looked at himself in the mirror and understood what he meant.

"Thank you Bammie", he said sincerely but the worries came creeping back. What if it wasn't a date? Did Youngjae even like him that way? What if he misinterpreted the younger's actions?

"Don't think so hard or you'll hurt yourself", Yugyeom chuckled.

"What if it isn't a date? Does he even like me? Maybe I should cancel? Where's my phone? I need to cancel", he was close to panicking.

"Shhh", Jackson laid his hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, "You're overthinking"

"Jackson is right, you don't know how uncomfortable we three were watching you two be all lovey dovey without even realizing it", commented Bambam smiling reassuringly.

„Yeah, no way he doesn't like you"

„You two were worse than our Yugbam couple", Jackson mumbled only to receive a slap from the youngest.

They somehow managed to soothe JB's nerves. Everything would work out.

„And now go or else you'll be late"

„Seriously? Thank you all and byebye!", he yelled, grabbed his leather jacket and put his shoes on. He stormed out, his friends watching him leave and sighed in unison. He was really gone for Youngjae and that idiot didn't even know it yet.

The drive to Youngjae's apartment was uncomfortable for the older. The fear came back now that his three friends weren't with him and he was close to turning around again but stopped himself. He shouldn't make a bigger deal out of it than it was.

They were friends.

Just friends.

No need to worry.

He pulled in at the other's driveway and parked his car. With unsure steps he walked to his apartment and stood for what felt like hours in front of the door.

„Get a grip of yourself", he whispered and finally lifted his hand to knock. Before he could touch the sodden door it got opened and he stood there awkwardly.

„I knew I heard something". Youngjae said and smiled widely at him.

„Hi", Jaebum said, proud of himself for sounding so at ease. Well, he hoped he sounded like that but he couldn't be sure.


They just stared at each other before Youngjae coughed.

„Come in", he opened the door wider and Jaebum entered. Shrugging out of his jacket and shoes. Youngjae would be damned if he didn't notice how the other's pants left nothing to the imagination. He quickly adverted his eyes to anything but Jeabum.

"You, uh, you look very good", the older told him after he took in the other's appearance. Jeans and a black pullover, simple but yet Youngjae looked amazing in it.

"Have you seen yourself?"

Jaebum looked at his own outfit. "I knew I should have worn something else"

"No!", the younger nothing but yelled, "I mean, you look great"


Youngjae didn't know how it had gotten so awkward that quickly but he didn't like it.

"Mark and Jinyoung are gone so we two are alone", Youngjae informed him and JB had to stop himself from smiling excitedly. It's not that he didn't like the two. He just wanted to be alone.

"I still have to do some cooking, would you like to help?", Youngjae miscalculated how it would take to cook a simple meal but he wanted to impress JB, he had spent an hour googling recipes.

"I'd love to"

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