Chapter 14

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Youngjae didn't know how much time passed or how many glasses everyone had drowned already but he was sure that none of them even knew how to write their names anymore. All, except for him.

After an hour Yugyeom and Jinyoung started a fight and began to throw peanuts at each other. The table was a mess but no one actually cared. They themselves didn't even know what they were arguing about. Youngjae thought it started with something trivial like a tv series or something. Then it escalated.

"You little idiot, I'll kill you!", Jinyoung threatened the younger.

"What will you do, heh? You're so old it'll take you weeks to even lift your hand, grandpa!", Yugyeom replied back and Bambam let out a loud 'ohhhh'. Of course he took Yugyeom's side. It was obvious to Youngjae that Bambam liked Yugyeom but the youngest was too occupied with arguing to notice the looks he received from Bambam. All three of them had tinted cheeks from the alcohol and their words were slurred. The rest wasn't much better, especially Jaebum, he had drunk the most so far.

"Say one more damn word and you gonna-!"

"Fucking language guys!", Mark tried to calm them down but wasn't any better with his choice of words. It managed to shut them up though, Yugyeom falling back in his seat and leaning against Bambam's shoulder.

"Hey Jaebum", Jackson whispered and Jaebum turned towards him with a dopey smile that showed how much alcohol he had intus.


"Imma go to the toilet"

Jaebum let out a childish 'ewww'. He did not need to know this.

"Be careful, take care and have fun", Yugyeom, who had somehow heard bits of their conversation, did finger guns in Jackson's direction. He looked just as confused as the rest.

"It's just the toilet, not an adventure"

"Oh", Yugyeom looked deeply concerned, "I think I understood that wrong"

"Idiot", muttered Jinyoung which earned him a kick from Yugyeom under the table.

Jackson stood up with a last shake of his head and stumbled towards the men bathroom.

"Youngjae, you're so quiet, are you alright? Maybe some drinks would help!", Jinyoung offered.

In the meantime Jaebum poured himself another shot. He couldn't remember the last time he had drunk that much or even drank a single drop of alcohol but Youngjae's presence alone made him nervous and angry. He didn't like this combination of feelings.

"Youngjae never says anything, he never did. So where's the surprise?" Jaebum scoffed, no one got what he meant except for Yugyeom who looked at him concerned. Jaebum only shook his head, meaning that the youngest shouldn't worry.

"What do you mean?", Mark asked harshly. He had never liked it when someone was rude in any way to his best friend and got really protective sometimes.

Jeabum laughed bitterly, "What I'm saying is tha-"

"GUYS", their annoying blond friend interrupted JB. He put a hand on the table to steady himself before he began to talk again. "I made some new friends on my way back! We'll be the next awesome boy group! We gonna be a damn hit!"

Only then did they notice three tall men standing behind Jackson, all extremely good looking.

"This is Hakyeon, that one is Hyuk and... uhm, sorry I already forgot your name", Jackson pointed at each one as he said their names but stopped at the last male.

"Sungjae", the man replied and grinned at everyone, not caring that Jackson didn't remember his name. It seemed like they were completely wasted too or else they wouldn't have agreed to what was likely Jackson's idea.

Jackson threw his arms around Hakyeon's and Hyuk's shoulders and smiled knowingly at JB.

"And you, my dear best friend, will promote us. Just imagine how successful we'd be together"

"Why is he your dear best friend and not me?", Yugyeom pouted.

"Because you are my annoying best friend, but back to the band now", Jackson grinned, "what do you think?"

"This is a great idea!", Jaebum agreed because for his clouded mind it truly was. "What will be your name?"

"You mean band name? I don't know, I didn't think they'd agree so I didn't plan this far. Have you any ideas?" The question was directed at the three newcomers. All shook their heads except for Hyuk, he eyed the table before his eyes landed on the now empty bottle of alcohol. A grin soon spreading across his face.

"What about Big Byung?"

"Perfect!" Everyone cheered except for Mark and Youngjae. Mark because he wanted to get to know Jackson this night and was a little jealous that some strangers got his full attention when he himself didn't even have a conversation with him.

Youngjae because he wasn't in the mood, the previous words from JB still prominent in his ears.

„So I'm gonna be Wangkong from now on", Jackson declared, already reaching for the next shot glass. No one asked how he came up with the name so quickly.

„I'm Dolbaeki, it has a nice ring to it"

„I'll go with Hyukddi, such a great name"

„I always wanted to be called Yookduk"

With that their stage names were also chosen. The four exchanged numbers so that they could contact each other for further..... band discussions. No one expected them to take the whole thing so serious but they apparently really meant it.

Later on Yookduk, Hyukddi and Dolbaeki had to go, saying their friends would probably be searching for them. Jackson looked like he might cry because his band mates were gone and Mark took his chance to distract the other.

"Hey, Jackson. Wanna dance?"

Of course the blond nodded and stood up, still a bit sniffling. He pulled Mark behind him who winked at Youngjae and Jinyoung before he followed Jackson. Maybe now they could actually talk, Mark thought to himself.

"Dancing sounds good! May I ask for this dance my lady?", Bambam went down on one knee, causing Yugyeom to giggle. He was so extra. Not even because he was drunk, just because he was.

And Yugyeom loved it.

"I'm not a girl but I'll accept your offer, my shining knight"

"I really am a shining knight today"

With that those two were also gone, giggling on the way to the dance floor.

Traitors. That was all Jaebum could think of as he watched his two best friends go, leaving him alone with Youngjae and Jinyoung. How could they do that to him?

Jaebum drank more of Jackson's beer that he had left there. It would be a waste if he didn't, he reasoned.

"Don't you think you have enough?", Youngjae asked with worry in his voice. It couldn't be good to be drinking so much alcohol, especially because Jaebum looked like he would rarely drink.

"Don't act like you care"

Well that was just rude.

Jinyoung felt the growing uncomfortableness and decided it was his cue to search for Mark and that other dude. He quietly left but neither of the two noticed, too busy staring at each other.

"What is your problem, Jaebum?", Youngjae asked irritated, his brows furrowed.

JB began to chuckle slightly as he eyed Youngjae. A few seconds later loud laughter left his mouth and he clutched his stomach.

"What are you laughing at?" Youngjae got confused, he had hoped JB wouldn't be the laughing kind of drunk but apparently the alcohol took his tools now.

"You-" again a laugh, "you look so funny when you're angry! Have you ever seen your face like this?"

Seriously? Youngjae couldn't believe the other.

"Like a small child! It's cute!"

Okay, Youngjae had enou- wait.


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