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Twenty Seven Years Old ❣︎ April

"Wanna know a secret?" The redhead whispers into his daughter's ear. She nods eagerly, inching closer to him. "Your dad is very ticklish." He smirks, which causes a devilish grin to spread across Reina's face.

"Revenge?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Revenge." He confirms.

"You know, on TV usually the other parent tries to tell the child that they should accept when the other parent says no."

"To hell with that, I wanted to go to the movies too." Archie laughs quietly. "Plus, your dad's just a little bit stressed out and I think it'll cheer him up." He says in all seriousness, looking at his daughter intently.

"Why's he stressed?"

"You know how he writes books?"

"Uhuh, I read them."

"Yeah well he- wait. You read them?" Archie gasps.

"Yeah, I have a lot of free time at school." Reina shrugs.

"Well, then you know how they're really good?"

"Yeah, incredible actually." She admits.

"Well, the company that allows him to publish his books wants him to write a third one, but he doesn't want to." Archie explains.

"Well then Dad shouldn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do." She huffs.

"Exactly. He wants to write a whole entirely different book, but the company thinks it won't do as well as the series."

"Wow, they have so much faith in him." She rolls her eyes.

"Uhuh, so you get why he doesn't really want to go anywhere today, right? He's trying to negotiate."

"I get it now." Reina sighs.

"So then lets go over there and cheer him up." Archie smiles, nudging her a bit before they walk into the living room and join Jughead on the couch who is staring at his phone with frustration.

"Babe, Rein and I wanna tell you something."

Jughead looks up from his phone, his face softening the minute he lays eyes on the two.

"What's up? You're not still mad at me about the movies right? I'm sorry, maybe we can go next weekend or..." he trails off as his phone rings in his hand. He glances over the message and groans before locking it and tossing it onto the seat next to him.

"No, not that. I just want to tell you that I found something out about you today." Reina giggles.

"What's that?" Jughead smiles back.

"That you're ticklish." Reina smirks.

"Arch, you didn't." Jughead whines.

"Oh, yes he did." Reina laughs before tickling her dad violently. His laughs start to echo throughout the room before Archie joins her daughter, and tears start to stroll down Jughead's face due to the relentless assault.

"I thought." He barely breathes out. "You'd get tired of doing this to me." Huff. "Eventually." He laughs.

"I'm never going to get tired of it." Archie laughs before deciding his victim has had enough and telling Reina to stop.

"So you're on his side now? Rein, I trusted you." Jughead pretends to be hurt, pouting before turning his back to her.

"No! Daddy told me you were stressed and I wanted to help make you smile." Reina whines, physically trying to turn her dad back. Jughead turns back around and opens his arms out to her, which she eagerly climbs into. "You know, you could always publish the book you want to write under an alias." Reina suggests.

"That's actually really smart." Jughead says thoughtfully.

"Would you expect anything less?"

"She has a point." Archie laughs.

"Well, I'll think about it. To be honest, I just want to spend as much time as I can with you two right now before I get back to writing. That can wait another year." He smiles.

"Good, because I just got you." Reina mumbles into his shoulder. "I love you. Both of you. I love you a whole lot. My love for you two is copious."

"Copious. This girl just used the word copious." Archie mumbles under her breath.

"Well I love you too, my love for you is perpetual." Jughead says back.

"Can you two stop using big words, I feel inadequate."

"Sorry daddy, didn't mean to make you feel menial."

"Reinnn, stop." Archie whines.

They aren't perfect, nowhere close, but they are perfect for each other. They are a family of two dads, one daughter, four fake aunts and uncles, one real aunt, two grandpas, and one grandma no matter how much Jughead wants to deny the last part. They are a family of two married, white males with a black daughter. They are a family filled with love, and that's all a perfect family needs.

The family of three continue to tease each other, their loud voices booming throughout their home followed by beautiful laughter and smiles.

"You know, baby, here's a word you might be able to guess the meaning of." Jughead snickers.

"What's that?" Archie sighs.



"I used to think that my love for you was an aberration, but I was wrong. I was so wrong."

"So then what is it?" Archie furrows his eyebrows.

"The best thing that has, and ever will happen to me."


Wow last chapter. I'm not okay.

But epilogue next. So you can see how all their lives play out omg I can't believe this.

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