T H I R T Y - N I N E

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Fifteen Years Old ❣︎ July

"Why that song?"

"Because you sing it really well and it's my favorite, c'mon." Jughead pleads from the back end of the bed as the redhead is sat Indian style with his guitar in his lap on the front end of the bed.

"It's not fair that you always get what you want." Archie frowns playfully before beginning to strum his guitar. "From walking home and talking loads, to seeing shows in evening clothes with you..."

Jughead has always loved Archie's voice. He rarely sings anymore, only when Jughead asks him too. It's kind of sad actually. The redhead has so much talent but no one will ever be able to hear it except for Jughead and his bedroom walls.

Archie finishes the song with a soft smile as Jughead begins clapping dramatically.

"Fantastic! Amazing! Encore! I'd give my dog to hear it again! Can I get your autograph? That was sex!" Archie just laughs at how dorky the raven haired beauty is being and puts his guitar down.

He does love to sing. He loves to play his guitar, and he loves to make Jughead happy. However, more than one person is another story. Crowds aren't really his thing. Playing football with a helmet on that blocks the stands is one thing, but playing and singing in such an exposed manner isn't something he thinks he can do.

He's not very true to himself.

He can admit things to himself, but not to anyone else. He acts a certain way when he's alone or with Jughead than he does with anyone else and He's not even sure when he started doing that. He learned quickly that the best way to make friends is to blend in, and that's what he does.

He blends in with the crowd, and he's liked for it.

Expressing his true self to a room full of people seems scary, and he doesn't think he'll ever be able to do that. Especially not anytime soon.

"Does it hurt that he won't show you off?" Jughead asks sadly, eyes aimed at Archie's neck.


"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to your vocal talent shh."

Archie rolls his eyes for the second time before getting off of the bed and exiting the room.

"C'mon Arch!"

"We talked about this before."

Archie races down the stairs with Jughead following close behind as they enter the living room.

"But your voice is amazing and you could actually do something wi-"

"I said no!" Archie yells harshly before flopping on the couch and turning on the tv. Jughead stops dead in his tracks, eyes widening at his tone of voice.

Archie never yells. Especially not at Jughead.

"You don't have to be rude about it. I'm just trying to help you. If I had a talent wouldn't you want me to go for it? If I had a talent I wouldn't sit around and waste it like how you're doing. So I'm sorry for being supportive." Jughead spits before shaking his head.

Archie looks down at his lap, immediately feeling guilty. He knows Jughead only has his best interest at heart and that he honestly didn't deserved to be yelled at either. Archie just can't do it.

"I'm sorry Juggy."

"You should be."

The two stare at each other in silence before the doorbell rings, interrupting their eye battle. Jughead goes to open the door, swinging it open with a creak. His eyes widen at the sight of the person in front on him, making him feel so many emotions all at once.

"Oh my gosh."


I love cliff hangers. I haven't hit you with one yet so here it be.

DistressInDisguise Starter Pack

Build up Jarchie's relationship for 25+ chapters only to add Jeggie in and make people sway into a new lane.

• Finally have Jarchie kiss after 32 chapters, just for it to be barely mentioned again.

• Hurt Jughead over and over again for no reason.

• Have Jughead be hurt by his dad and then leave for vacation for a week.

• End update with random cliff hanger to distract from the Jarchie tension and the fact that Jughead basically admitted to liking whoever and debating on saying yes to Reggie if he ever gains the balls to ask him out.

This is also a really bad time to point out that I'm changing my update days to only Mondays now.


I just have to start my summer work because they have due dates (which I didn't know) wth. So this update is a little bit out of guilt.

Aberration ≫ Jarchieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن