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Eighteen Years Old ❣︎ August

"Hey, we haven't talked in a really long time, I'm not even sure if you remember me but um, it's me Archie, it's your son." The redhead says awkwardly before plopping down on the grass next to his mother's grave.

"Honestly, part of me believes this is stupid. I'm not sure if I believe in the whole heaven or hell thing but I also don't believe you're like haunting me and watching me talk to you rn. You probably can't hear me or anything and I'm probably just talking to myself, but there's things I want to say to you so I might as well try. I'm leaving for college tomorrow morning. Yeah, I got in, shocker right? Jughead, who has been my boyfriend for almost a year now, has been at his mom's for the past two days so I figured I should see my mom as well." He smiles softly.

"It feel weird calling you mom, especially because you're rotting underground right now. Um, I don't think I'm supposed to say that. Okay, hmm I'll talk about Jughead. You remember Jughead, right? I've liked him since the third grade. I feel like right now my life is playing out like some fairytale and I'm waiting for someone to pinch me because none of this feels real. If you would've told me Jughead would end up being my boyfriend I would've laughed in your face. He's honestly incredible. He's beautiful and talented and smart and he loves me."

"Did you love me?" He asks hesitantly before regretting it.

"Never mind, I'm going to assume yes. I don't want to believe that I haven't crossed your mind at least once while you were away, even if you didn't care about me at all. But back to Jughead. He gave me his notebook and I finally got around to reading it and finishing it while he's been gone. He stays over all the time so it's hard to find free time to read it without him seeing. He did give it to me, but I don't know I would feel uncomfortable if I wrote down every deep thought I've ever had and someone was reading it right in front of me, you know?" Archie starts before pulling out the notebook.

"He writes the most, I can't even find the word to describe it, astonishing and magnificent things. It's like, I don't even know. He's not very good at talking. He doesn't stutter or anything like how I used to, but I guess I'm saying that he's not very good at expressing himself verbally. But on paper he's some type of superhero, and it's like his words jump off the page and they make you feel so many things at once. It's amazing. I probably sound so biased, don't I?

He wrote a lot of sad things. Sad things about how he's worthless or how people throw him away, and I've cried a few times throughout reading this because he's so special to me and the fact that he even felt this way at one point makes me feel awful.

He also wrote funny things though, those made me smile because they were rare but it showed he was in a good mood. I love when he's in a good mood.

A lot of them were about me, which he warned me about. Some of them broke my heart, because he'd write about how much I hurt him, and how much he missed me, and how much he loved me, and I can barely forgive myself for doing what I did to him.

I'm going to read you something he wrote okay? Then I'll leave you alone because I know you've always said I talked too much." Archie sighs before opening the notebook and turning to the page he wants.

"Archie Andrews.

I have never in my life felt like more of a cliche, and it's all because of him.

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