S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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Twenty One Years Old ❣︎ October

"It's a pretty solid contract, I think you'd be stupid not to take it." Aaron sighs, walking into Jughead's dorm and dropping the contract onto his bed.

"Really? No red flags or anything?" Jughead says excitedly, running up to hug Aaron.

"Nope. I almost think they're a little bit too lenient with you. Most of the money from the book sales will go to you, the ratio of money to who is actually really really good. It's kind of honorable actually." Aaron adds as he hugs him back.

"Wow. Okay explain the whole thing to me in you know, English." Jughead says once he pulls away and sits down. Aaron laughs and goes through all the terms of the contract, and once he's finished Jughead smiles

"That does sound really good." He agrees.

"Don't sign anything though, ask them to explain a few things to you when you get to the office so you don't look so desperate. Companies prey on that."

"I love having a friend that's studying law." Jughead sighs happily

"Well, I'm going to go meet up with Lili so I'll talk to you later."

"What are you two doing today?"

"She wants to go go-kart racing and I agreed even though I'm going to leave her in the dust." Aaron smirks.

"Your relationship is so fun, Archie and I don't do things like that." Jughead pouts.

"That's because you're in a long distance relationship and even when you two are together, there's nothing to do in Riverdale no offense."

"You right." Jughead shrugs.

"Go schedule that meeting of yours, I'll talk to you later." Aaron says, waving goodbye and heading towards the door.

"Okay, don't sex and drive." Jughead teases, causing Aaron to flip him off before leaving. Jughead sighs once he's left alone. He's gotten used to be being around people so much that feeling alone now feels awkward and strange. He bites his lip in boredom and decides to call up Archie.

"Hey Juggy." Archie picks up, sounding annoyed.

"What's up? You seem upset."

"I was walking down the sidewalk right? And I accidentally bumped into this girl and spilled her precious little Starbucks all over her. So naturally I apologize but she starts cursing me out and calling me a jackass and all of this unnecessary shit. So I offer to buy her a new one because we were literally right outside of Starbucks and she tells me 'oh I have boyfriend and he wouldn't appreciate you flirting with me so I suggest you leave me alone before I call him up' Bitch I fucking dare you. Ain't nobody trying to get with your coffee bean smelling ass. I just wanted to be nice but you're over here throwing threats? I swear people need therapy." Archie goes off on a tangent, making Jughead laugh.

"What's up with you? You never really call me just randomly." Archie asks in a concerned way.

"I can't just call you because I want to hear your voice?" He pouts.

"So you're bored?" The redhead guesses, earning a groan from his boyfriend.


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